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Writer's pictureBill Lear


Have you spent much time in his presence, praising and worshiping and thanking him for what he has done?



Verse 1: Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that save a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now I am found, was blind and now I see.

Verse 2: Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved, how precious did that Grace appear, the hour I first believed.

Verse 3: Thru many danger’s toils and snares, I have already come; Tis grace has brought me safe thus far, and Grace will lead me home.

Verse 4: When we’ve been there ten thousand years, bright shinning as the sun; we’ve no less days to sing God’s praise, than when we first begun.

Let’s look at this song and see what is meant by amazing Grace: (Before we do, we were a wretch, but now in Christ, we are no longer wretches, but children of almighty God).

Amazing = Adjective, causing great surprise or wonder; astonishingly impressive; greatly filled with astonishment:

Grace: = 1) Simple elegance or refinement of movement.

2) Courteous goodwill an attractively polite manner of behaving.

3) (in Christian belief) the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings.

4) A divinely given talent or blessing.

5) the condition or fact of being favored by someone:

6) Verb; do honor or credit to someone or something, by one’s presence.

7) (of a person or a thing) be an attractive presence in or on: adorn.

So, when we look at this, we need to see what Jesus did for us when he chose his Father’s will and gave his life for us, (man-kind).

1) It was an amazingly; startling and astonishing love that Jesus was willing to go through, for all he did, to give us salvation; healing and a great life:

You might look at this definition and say, I am a Christian, but don’t feel any different than I did before I accepted Jesus as my savior:

1) Once we are born again, by accepting Jesus as our savior, we no long walk by how we feel or by what we see in the natural but walk by faith.

2) Have you Have you given him everything? Do you give him much time or thanks for what he has done?

3) Have you honestly set yourself to be like him?

4) Or are you continuing down the same old path or road you were on before you were born again? (Change is taking time to know him.

5) Have you spent much time in his presence, praising and worshipping and thanking him for what he has done?

How can you appreciate what Grace has done for you, if you never spend time with him?

In God’s word he speaks of the tithe which is a tenth part. Most of us think that is just talking about money, but as much as it does about money, he is also talking about a tenth of your time. A tenth is 10%. There are 24 hours in each day so a tenth of your time should be at least 2.4 hours every day. Again, a tenth is 10% out of your money and your time goes and belongs to God. 10% of a dollar is 10 cents. A tenth of $100.00 is $10.00 and so forth.

Well, a tenth of your time must be given back to God. You can do this while you are at work or at home or at play. It is simply speaking to God, sings praises to him or just simply thanking him for what he has done. Another way, in part, is to give him thanks for the food on the table. (this generation has got away from that and children today are not even taught how to pray at meal time).

When you give a tenth of your time back to God, it should not be asking for anything, but simply to praise him for what he did for you and your family.

As bad as this world seems to be, imagine what kind of chaos it would be if Jesus would not have given his life! This world was doomed to hell because of the fall of Adam and Eve, who were the first humans on the face of the earth, but it was through his dis-obedience that brought or let or gave his (Adams) God given power over to satan in the garden of Eden. From that moment on, Satan took over and created havoc on the earth from that day to this, but because of the Amazing Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, we don’t have to live under the dominion of satan. We don’t have to be his pon as to speak and do what he says. Our lives should be to such a degree better, that people ask you why are you so happy and blessed?

We can say, with a truth, that the life I live was given to me by the Amazing Grace of God the Father and the lord Jesus Christ:

Verse 2 says, Twas Grace that taught my heart to fear, and Grace my fears relieved: How precious did that Grace appear, the hour I first believed:

Did you see what that verse said? The moment you accepted Jesus as your savior, Grace (the unmerited favor) of God came in.

Now we must spend time with God and his word to cause that Grace to grow and make us like Jesus: He wants us to be so much like him, that when people see or talk to you, they see Jesus in you:

Verse 3 --- Thru many dangers, toils and snares, I have already come; tis Grace that brought me safe thus fare and Grace will lead me home.

Have you ever done something stupid like pulling out in front of a car on the highway, or stepped out in front of a car from the sidewalk, but was kept from hurt? Well, it was Grace that kept you from harm. Again, Grace is not something we must work for, but was freely given to us by the, or through the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ:

Verse 4 --- When we’ve been there ten thousand years, bright shining as the sun, we’ve no less days to sings God’s praise, than when we first begun:

When we have been there (speaking of going to leave to be with Jesus); after our time on earth, we will not stop giving him praise, but will continue throughout eternity:

We need to get used to giving praise now, for it will be throughout eternity when we get to heaven.

We need to continually remember and speak over and over what Christ has done: We need to be thankful for God sending his son, for without him we all would be doomed for hell, where there is no relief of pain, sickness or torment.

Again, just as in my last teaching, I have been prompted by the Spirit of God, that we need to get back to singing these old, God inspired, songs. These songs may not get us all hyped up, but just a reminder of what Jesus did:

You see, we need to realize that there is more to being saved than just so we won’t go to hell when we die: There is victory; healing; prosperity; also Grace: The Grace of God restored us back to be who Adam and Eve were supposed to be: they had a choice just like you and I, but they made the wrong choice:

On a lighter side, we too make mistakes, by not obeying the word of God and end up sick , poor and/or defeated, but life (the very life of God) was placed in us the moment we accepted Jesus as our Savior: His Grace is still active today, all we have to do is receive it and act on it: Spend time with him:

Remember the tenth! 10% of your day or time, needs to be spent with him: Yes, more but at least, 10% or a tenth of 24 hours per day. This can be done through, prayer, praise, and reading his word or listening to good God fill tapes, Cd’s or what good teaching of the word on Tv. It also can be accomplished by singing songs of praise to him. Another thing, we have forgot about and that is, saying Grace or the giving of thanks before eating your meal.

One prayer I remember praying as a child, was God is great, God is good, let us thank him for this food, in Jesus name amen!

Remember, be thankful for Jesus and all he has done!

Until next time! Remember!



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