Let me explain what I mean by a two sided Christian: A two sided Christian is one that, if they are around people, friends, or relatives, that talk about God and his word — They talk about how much they love him and trust him:
On the other hand, this same person gets around people who cuss, use dirty fowl language, drinks alcoholic beverages and act like a devil:
One moment God is their God and then the next moment, they act like the devil and cuss and get drunk trying to fit in with both crowds:
I personally question if this person actually knows God or are actually born again!
Nowhere in the word of God, does it say that it is okay to be one moment a Christian — speaking in tongues and talk about God and the next moment cuss and get drunk and do things of the devil:
I personally call these people wishy-washy!
Revelation 3:15 — New International version says — I know your deeds, that you are neither cold or hot, I wish you were either one or the other:
New living translation — “I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot or cold: I wish that you were one or the other:
King James Bible — I know thy works, that you are neither cold or hot, I wish you were cold or hot:
I think as you read and study these scriptures, God is very clear on what he would rather have you do and be:
A person who is wishy washy in their Christian walk, those who are trying to fit in with the crowd cannot — 1) Minister Salvation to others who see their lifestyle:
2) Teach others the true word of God that will help them grow:
I know some today who are exactly like I am talking about — one day God and the next day devil:
This cannot be and should not be for those who claim to be Christians: I personally question whether these wishy washy people are actually saved!
Makes me wonder if their acceptance of Christ was true or was it just in their head or just to satisfy someone:
You cannot truly minister God’s word to someone who sees you talking about God, his word and the great things he has done and then in the same breath or the next time you see them, they are drunk, cussing up a storm:
The Bible is clear, you cannot be both! Either you are born again and serving God and going to heaven when you die or when Jesus comes back or you are not a Christian and destined for hell in a handbasket:
If you are a Christian, then let Christ shine through you in all that you do:
People will be turned on to God, when they see God shining through you:
There was a song we sang when I was little and it says — This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine; hide it under a bushel — No! I’m going to let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine:
Don’t let satan blow it out, I’m going to let it shine, don’t let satan blow it out, I’m going to let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine:
The above is what happens when you let the devil shine through you — your light goes out and no one can see Christ in you:
Has satan blown out your candle? If not, then let it shine all of the time and not just when you are with other Christians: Let it shine when you are around the unsaved people as well:
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