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Writer's pictureBill Lear

Are you walking with a limp?


We all have seen people who walk with a limp in the natural: Maybe they were born with something wrong with their legs, so they walk with a limp; Or maybe they were in a vehicle accident and now walk with a limp:

Walking with a limp can be difficult: It may slow you down, or make you have to use a cane or a crutch, to enable you or them to walk:

This limp can disable you or keep you from running and playing with friends or stop you from a lifelong dream:

If you have been around very long you will notice christians walking with a spiritual limp: It maybe as simple as not being able to believe the word of God:

It may be that you are afraid to step out and do something God told you to do!

It may be that someone asks you to pray for them and you back off and say, oh, I can’t do that --- That is walking with a limp:

I know what this is like for I have faced things God told me to do and I said, oh I can’t do that or I just ignored his prompting --- well, that is walking with a spiritual limp:

God is wanting each of us to stop limping along in life: He is wanting total agreement to obey, even though we might make a mistake or we don’t see immediate results:

About 2-3 years ago, I ordered and read a book by Dotie Osteen (Joel Osteen's Mom) who was healed of cancer by speaking scriptures from the Bible: After I read this book, I found out a lady down the street from me had cancer and was going daily for treatments:

I felt inside of me to take that book to her and ask her to read it: I also prayed for her before I left:

Well, about two or three weeks later, I stopped to see how she was doing and she thanked me for giving her that book: She said she read it over and over and was told by her doctor that she was now cancer free:

Question: What would have happened if I would have walked with a spiritual limp and refused to do what God instructed me to do? She may never have been healed or may have died, but I believe my obedience and not walking with a spiritual limp, she did what she needed to and is cancer free:

Walking with a spiritual limp can be very dangerous , not only to ourselves, but to others as well:

I had another direction from God, which was a few months prior to the above incident:

Again, this was a lady on my street that I bought eggs from: One day I knocked on her door, her Son answered and asked me to come in:

As I stepped in, I notice my egg lady had a neck brace: I asked her what happened and she told me she fell down some steps:

She new I was a christian and she asked me to pray for her healing: I prayed for her and left:

Two weeks later, I stopped in for more eggs and she was up walking around and she again thanked me and told me her neck was completely healed:

Again, I was glad, I did not walk with a limp: I know there are those who are reading this message that have or are still walking with a spiritual limp:

Maybe the limp is you saying, “I don’t know if that is you?” or I don’t know if I am capable of doing that?

You may ask, what if I fail? Let me ask you this --- When you were little and started to walk, you stopped and said, “ Oh, I can’t do that or you started to learn how to ride a bike and fell off the first time you tried and you said, “I can’t do this and you throw the bike down: Well, if you never tried again, you would be 30, 40, 60 years old and still not able to ride a bike:

Walking with a limp is simply this --- FEAR! Fear of failure is the main spiritual limp that stops most from stepping out and obeying God:

Stop the fear (limp) be obedient to do what God has told you to do:

You might say, well God told me to do such and such but I didn't do it:

Well, ask forgiveness and get rid of the limp: Ask God to help you and give you the ability to do and obey:

He is faithful and just to forgive and will never hold that limp against you:

Step out and obey!


For more of my teaching go to:

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