In today’s teaching, I want to take us back to an old song written and composed by R.E. Hudson and Isaac watts.
This song, I heard many times in churches I grew up in and is a song I believe needs to be sung yet today, for it tells what happened to Jesus Christ when he lived and walked on this earth and at the end of his life on earth.
What happened to Jesus was cruel punishment for anyone less for a man that did nothing wrong, but healed people, blessed them, and fed them.
Let’s look at this song so we can get a feeling and an understanding of what I mean.
Verse # 1 --- A-las and did my savior bleed and did my sovereign die. Would He devote that sacred head for such a worm as I.
Verse # 2 --- Was it for crimes that I have done, he groaned upon the tree? Amazing pity grace unknown, and love beyond degree!
Verse #3 --- Well might the sun in darkness hide, and shut His glories in, when Christ the mighty Maker died for man the creature’s sin:
Verse #4 --- But drops of grief ne’er re-pay, the debt of love I owe; Here Lord, I give myself away, T
is all that I can do!
Chorus: At the cross at the cross where I first saw the light, and the burden of my heart rolled away. It was there by faith I received my sight, and now I am happy all the day:
Now, I want to say this first of all, we do not want to live at the cross, but move forward and receive all Jesus did at the cross:
I do want you to understand what all happened at and because of the cross.
· Salvation
· Wellness
· Total Healing
· Victory over the devil.
· The indwelling of the Holy Spirit
All of the above was completed at the cross: We are not still waiting for it but, Jesus already completed the work at his death, resurrection and he is now seated at the Father’s right hand.
All Jesus ever will do for man kind has been completed, except come and take us home with him to live forever.
We are not still looking for it, we already have it and all that Jesus did, but we must accept it and receive it.
You might ask this question: If Jesus did all of this at the cross, why do I still get sick? Why am I not getting the victory?
Let me answer it this way. You are married and have children, you go to the store and buy your children toys and go home and set them on the table, however, even though they are their toys, they will not enjoy them until the reach out and take them They have been theirs all the time, but until they take them, they can’t use them.
Well, all of the above was included in this that Jesus did at the cross: He is not still working on it or hoping some day it will come. No, he already paid for it and it is complete, he is waiting for you to reach out and take it.
· You have yet to make Jesus Lord of your life.
· You do not know all of the benefits he provided for you.
· You have not spent time to find out:
· You look more to the problems you have instead of claiming what Jesus already has completed:
· You are listening to the devil or other people saying, these things aren’t true! Jesus was killed on the cross alright but there is no way he came to life again and no way he gave you the victory.
· Look around you at all the poor, sick and down trodden people there are in this world:
Well, again, look at when you were a child and your parents put a bag of toys on the table, you did not know what all was in that bag until you opened it. Well you must open the packages from Jesus in order to know what you have. Again, just like a child, you could not trust your friend to tell you what was in the bag, you had to look yourself.
Well, you must look in the package yourself to see what was provided for you. You also need to reject all of those negative statements and do the following:
· Make Jesus Lord of your life.
· Take the Bible and read it for yourself and find out what he did.
· Accept within you what he did.
It is never good enough to accept what a preacher or a friend said about what happened at the cross; but take the time to study and find out for yourself:
· After you find out for yourself, believe it.
· Apply the word to your spirit, Soul (mind) and body.
· Remind the devil who he is and where he will spend eternity.
· The more time you spend in the word, especially Matthew through Revelations,
(the new testament) the more you will grasp what happened at the cross:
What happened to Jesus was horrible and cruel, but he showed how much he loved man-kind that he accepted what his Father (God) put him through.
1) He accepted a cruel punishment of being whipped until it tore his back, legs all to shreds.
2) He took the nails in his hands and feet and was nailed fast to an old rugged (not smooth) cross.
3) He took swords piercing his side.
4) A crown of thorns jabbed into his head.
5) Mocking and such cruelty for mankind.
All of the above was done for all of mankind.
6) Last but not least, he was laid in a tomb wrapped up like a mummy afterwards.
The amazing thing was he did this all for man-kind including you and me. There is no way anyone could imagine the pain and agony he went through in order to bring to pass these words.
1) He did it all so we could be like him:
2) He did it all so we could have life abundantly:
3) He did it all so we could live without the guilt of sin.
4) He did it all, so we don’t have to be sick or poor.
5) He bore it all, so we would not have to:
Scriptures for you to read:
1) 2 Corinthians 5:17 --- Young's Literal Translation: So that if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature, the old things pass away, lo, become new have the all things.
2) Luke 23: 1-56 – read it for yourself, it depicts the death of Jesus on the cross.
3) Read Luke 24:1-53
This is not just a story, but a reality: Jesus went to the cross and suffered a horrible death, so we would be saved and go to heaven to be with him when we die. “That is real Love”
Study the gospels and find out what all happened from the cross to the throne and see all that we received through Christs death, burial and resurrection:
We need to constantly be thankful for this and remind ourselves of these things: We need to, in our fellowship time with the lord Jesus, to give thanks for all he has done.
It would not hurt to read these lyrics of “At the Cross, at the cross”. Over and over and sometimes say it as a confession of thanks .
