First off --- There is no such thing as automatic Faith: It won’t work, just because it is in the Bible:
Faith is a gift from God, but that gift must be taken: You must grab a hold of that gift:
Just like at Christmas or birthday --- You receive gifts for both, but these gifts will do you no good unless you open them and you put them to use:
Jesus did for sure give us gifts! Now, I know that I spoke along these lines before, but this subject needs to be repeated:
What Jesus did on the cross and through his death, burial and resurrection is true alright, but each of us must accept, receive and open those gifts for ourselves:
Much like a birthday or a Christmas gift: A gift is given to you, it is yours, but does nothing for you until you open that gift!
The one that gave it to you will, day after day, wonder why you did not open it: They might even get their feelings hurt or feel like you did not appreciate the gift they gave you:
Well, Jesus gave us gifts as well and is sad because you won’t open and put those gifts to use:
We sometimes get gifts and let them sit on a shelf to remember someone by.
As I was growing up, my parents had friends that would not even open their gift, they would set it on a shelf or put it in a storage trunk and say, “I want to remember them by it”. My Mom found that out when she visited one time and asked where the gift was:
Well, that gift was given for them to use: Let’s look at it this way, someone gives you a car, fills it with gas and says this is for you :
Then you look at the car, get in and just sit there: You don’t turn the key to start it: You don’t put it in gear, you don’t press on the gas pedal! You just sit there and say, boy this is nice!
Will that car do you any good? No, much like the gifts given to my parents, they did those people any good: They would walk by every day, touch the box it came in and say, “I like this gift that so and so gave me : It probably looks real nice, but I will let it here so I can remember them by it:
They don’t even know what's in it: It may have been a mouse trap or a box of poison or a box of money to help them pay their bills or buy some groceries etc.
That gift must be opened to do them any good: Well, those gifts of salvation or healing or prosperity will do you no good, unless you open the package:
Well I know there are people who would say, well I know that Jesus died for my sins and gave his life for me, but that scripture or scriptures don’t work or that preacher lied to me:
I looked at the Bible and said those scriptures three times and nothing happened so, I guess that faith stuff, that word stuff just don’t work:
No, you must open the package and put it to work! Everything God gives must be opened and that is done by receiving it by Faith!
Faith is the key that starts the car of Faith for you; When the car of faith is started, it still won’t do you any good until you put it in gear, take your foot off of the brake and press the gas pedal:
Well, you might ask, how do I open the package and press on the pedal of faith? How do I put the car of faith in gear and make it work for me?
Well, it is done by opening your mouth: Your mouth is the gear shift that operates faith: When you put your faith in gear with your mouth, faith comes and gets in your heart:
Driving a car did not come automatically, it took trying over and over until you could do it well:
Faith is the same, the more you speak God’s word the stronger your faith will be:
You must keep the switch of faith turned on, much like keeping a car running:
If you shut the key to your car off, it stops: When you turn your switch of faith off, (by speaking words of doubt and unbelief) faith will stop and does not work until you hit the switch of faith, which is in you mouth and in your heart:
Your mouth will move the gear of faith: Now, let me ask you this --- When you got in the car, the first time, started it and drove it for 5-10 minutes then parked it and said, well, I know how to drive a car:
No, I am willing to bet that you were so excited that you did not want to stop and could not wait until you got back in and drove some more:
You also found out, that the more you drove that car, the better you got with driving it:
Well, driving your faith, works the same way: You must keep at it until your faith is working:
You cannot say --- By Jesus stripes I am healed once and truly expect it to happen, when you never used your faith before:
Using your faith is and should be a constant thing: Speaking what God said in his word with your mouth, is how to activate and build your faith:
Speaking it one time is like putting the key in the ignition, putting the car in gear, moving the car to the end of your driveway and back, then say --- Well, I know how to drive a car now!
If you do that, you will probably have an accident the next time you drive: Well, saying scriptures one or two times only will probably cause you to have a faith accident:
Make up confessions using scripture out of the word of God and seriously speak them out loud over and over and see your faith car move safely and bring your requests to come to pass:
Once this happens, don’t stop: Keep building your faith skills daily:
REMEMBER: Jesus is Lord!