Confidence — The feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something firm, trust or The state of feeling certain about the truth of something:
A feeling of self assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities:
In all of the definitions above, Trust is the one we need to focus on in this lesson:
Trust = Firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something: A firm belief in the reliability of someone:
In this message, we need to focus on our firm trust in God and his word:
Most of us have not built our trust that what he (God) said, he will do!
Lack of the knowledge of God’s word:
Lack of looking beyond what we see or feel in the natural:
Not give ourselves time to trust God and his word:
We tend to trust our feelings or what we see rather than believing what God’s words says:
We need to know and trust that God will do what he said he will do:
Stop looking more at the circumstances than we do the word of God!
Yes, feelings and what we see, are a truth but this truth should not trump over the truth of God’s word:
I heard a minister in the past say — “It is easy to trust God and his word: Well, that is a partial truth, you cannot read God’s word and automatically put your trust in the word, just because you read it once or twice! It takes repetition which is over and over again:
How many of you met a stranger and immediately put your trust in that person of whom you don’t know?
Well, the same is true with God! You must build your trust in him, just as you build your trust with a person:
Well, in order to build your trust you must spend time with him: You cannot just wake up in the morning and say “I know God”, when you haven’t spent time with him: You haven’t read his word, you haven’t spoke to him, you haven’t built that trust you needed:
Another example — Too many times — someone will ask, do you know so and so? You quickly say yes when you only met them once or twice:
You may know their name and know where they live, but you have not spent enough time to really know them:
The above scenario is the same with God: You might have heard about him ( some negative and some positive), but you don’t have a real relationship with him:
This is an area where time spent with God is very important: You don’t reall know your husband or wife until you have spent quality of time with them: You cannot really know a person you call your friend, until you have spent a lot of time with them:
God wants a relationship with you, he wants to get to know you as much as you want to get to know him:
This can only happen when you spend quality of time together: You say, you have said these things over and over, yes, I have, I am trying to get you to understand how important is is to have a great relationship with God:
Here are some ways to get to know God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit!
Reading and studying his word:
Spending time in prayer — just talking to him without asking for anything: Isn’t it nice to have your children just want to talk to you without asking for something? Well, it is the same with God!
Praise — Praise is very important in getting to know him and in getting his attention: See, he does not like whining, grumbling, etc. , he just wants you to love him and praise him and he is melts, like a natural Mother or Father would do:
Praise can be done by several things:
By the lifting your hands and telling him how much you love him for what he has done:
Singing songs of praise:
Telling others about him and telling what all he has done for you! Praise is the highest form of communication you can have toward God:
Praise can be done by simply reading his word and thanking him for what he has done:
There are a lot of people that listen to and believe what others and some preachers say about him, some good and some not so good: Even preachers will speak negatively about God and if you listen to that long enough, you will act just like them: No! When you hear someone talking negatively about God or the Lord Jesus Christ — Run!!
There are a lot of Preachers that say that faith stuff does not work! Well, I got news for them — It has worked for me over and over: ( I heard a preacher say one time about this action and he said, well you just haven’t got to know him yet!)
There have been times in my life, that I questioned the word or said — well, that’s not working for me:
Then, one day I saw what I was missing — I was missing knowing him: I was missing praising and giving him thanks!
The more you Pray, The more you praise, the more you study (not just read) but study, you will find out just how much he loves you:
You will see his word come alive: Over the years, I have read his word many, many times and from different translations and found and still find things about God that I did not see before:
I also found out that reading his word out-loud creates a better knowing and understanding, the confidence in God if you put it to work: You might say why is that — Well, that is simple — when you read it out-loud you hear it with two ears — the inner ear and the outer ear:
All of the things that I said so far is building the confidence in God, that is, if you put it to work!
Don’t read this and then return to your old ways, turn the tables and set your course to get to know him better and watch your faith soar:
See your trust in God get so big that nothing can stop you and no-one can tell you that this faith stuff just don’t work, or that faith preachers are the only ones that this works for:
No — Go around singing “ I got to tell somebody — I got to tell somebody who Jesus is:
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