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Writer's pictureBill Lear

Eat good spiritual food!

Updated: Oct 14, 2022

Words and Melody by: C.C. Widmeyer S.H. Bolton

Verse 1 --- Jesus has a table spread, where the saints of God are fed, He invites His chosen people “Come and Dine,” With his manna, He doth feed, And supplies our every need: O’ tis sweet to sup with Jesus all the time!

Verse 2 --- The disciples came to land, Thus obeying Christ’s command, For the Master called unto them, “Come and Dine,” There they found their heart desire, Bread and fish, Thus He satisfies the hungry every time.

Verse 3 --- Soon the Lamb will take His bride To be ever at His side, All the host of heaven will assembled be. O’ twill be a glorious sight. All the Saints in Spotless white, and with Jesus they will feast eternally”

Chorus --- Come and dine “the Master calleth,” Come and dine, “You may feast at Jesus’ table all the time: He who fed the multitude, Turned the water into wine, To the hungry calleth now, “Come and dine.”

My question to you is, Are you dining daily at his table? Are you spending time in the word and in prayer daily? Or are you dining at the whining table all the time?

Jesus called us to come and dine at his table!

What is on his table?

A) Life abundantly!

B) Health!

C) Prosperity!

D) Victory over the devil and his works!

E) Victory over spiritual death!

F) Victory over sickness!

But to get these things, working in our lives, we must dine at his table, all the time DAILY!

What would happen to your body if you would only eat one small meal a day? What happens to your spirit when you eat one spiritual meal a day?

You would wither away! We must continue to eat daily!

How you eat at his table is by:

A) Becoming born again: You cannot even come to his table to eat without first accepting him as your Savior.

B) get filled with his Spirit! This is like pouring home made gravy on your mashed potatoes:

I remember growing up when my Mother made gravy: The potatoes were good, but when I put that gravy on them, they became a different meal: Well, getting filled with the Holy Spirit is like pouring gravy on your mashed potatoes. It makes your spiritual meal taste and go down better:

Again, feasting at God’s table daily, not just Sunday, will cause you to grow up spiritually and tastes mighty good:

Desire the sincere milk of the word: 1 Peter 2:2 --- As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, why? That ye may grow thereby!

1 Peter verse 3 --- If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious:

1 Peter 2:2 causes me to think about a newborn baby: When they are first born, they drink nothing but milk, but as they grow, milk is not enough: The baby as it grows up, require more and more food, they require baby food, then grown up people’s food:

What are they doing? They are growing! What happens to a newly born Christian? As they continue to eat and grow, they get off of the milk of the word, and start eating the meat of the word:

Eating the meat of the word not only causes you to grow up spiritually, but makes you strong: You start crawling, then start rolling, then you pull yourself up spiritually: Then you start becoming a mature Christian that is strong in the Lord!

When you become a mature Christian, you start birthing new Christian babies:

When you become a mature Christian, you start growing them in their growing period in God and his word.

When you get to be a strong grown -up Christian, you can stand strong against the wiles of the devil: When you become a mature Christian, you no longer require just milk, but you require bigger and bigger chunks of the word:

It is like going from eating hot dogs and hamburgers, to eating a good juicy T-bone steak!

Keep eating and growing!


For more of my teachings go to

Happy Eating, Enjoy!

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