You cannot be double tongued anymore than you can be double minded and expect the blessing of God to be on you and flow through you to others:
I hear people talking and know that they are born again, but when I hear them talk and see their actions, I begin to wonder if their salvation is true or if it meant anything at all to them!
Your tongue and your life (if truly born again) needs to be a tongue and life that represents God, Jesus and his word, no matter where you are or who you are with:
The scripture in James 1:8 says — “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.”
Also — To be double minded is the same as having a double heart!
1 Chronicles 12:33 and Psalms 12:2 — Double mindedness is a sickness of the heart or inner man and cannot be corrected with medicine or any medical procedure:
It is indeed a disease of the heart that should be recognized and addressed:
A person with a double mind lives by a double standard, is two faced, double tongued, (speaks with a forked tongue) and is deceitful, and treacherous: People who are double minded are not sought out for service in any capacity, because they aren’t faithful and cannot be trusted:
Matthew 6:24 — Jesus said, “No man can serve two masters — for either he will hate one, and love the other, or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other:
How can you be a witness to Christ in a mixed crowd if you cuss and swear or talk dirty one moment and the next moment try to win someone to Christ?
Guess what! — “It won’t happen!”
My Dad used to say — “You can’t have your pop and drink it too.” In other words — You can’t hold your pop or have it on the table if you drink it: You must drink it to do you any good!
In other words, if you have a glass full of your favorite beverage you can’t keep the glass full and drink it too!
In other words — You can’t have your old sinner lifestyle and hold on to the new lifestyle!
Well, someone who says they are full of the Holy Ghost cannot convince me that they can teeter totter from one life style to another: Either you are one or the other:
1 John 2: 15 -17 — Do not love the world or the things of the world, If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him: For all that is in the world, the lust of the eyes, and pride of life — is not of the Father, but is of the world:
The world and its desires are passing away, but the one who does the will of God lives forever:
There is an animal — I believe is called a chameleon — It changes color with its surroundings: Well — a person who changes their character depending on who they are with, is a human chameleon:
The blessing of the Lord cannot abide in them: Some think they can win others to Christ if they act like them and are cussing and smoking and drinking and getting drunk:
If you are Christians or Christlike — you need to portray that to all who you associate with and not change back and forth:
Sometimes it is hard to not conform and try to fit in with the way of the world, but you must understand — that once you accept Christ as your savior, you are a new creature and his very being dwells in you:
You need to portray Christ in all you do or say:
Respect will still be given to you if you hold true to the word of God:
If you talk to someone who rejects you because you are a christian, let your light shine and if they continue to reject you and your love for Christ, walk away and pray for them and place them in God’s hands:
You will never win someone to Christ as long as you are on that teeter-totter: Remember on a teeter totter you are either up or you are down:
When in Christ, your life should shine and represent what God has done for you:
If people reject you and walk away because they don’t like your lifestyle in Christ just spend time in prayer for them:
Just remember — You cannot lead someone to Christ while on this type of teetertotter.
Be a shining light for God in all that you do and you will do more for Christ than you would on the teeter toddler of life:
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