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Writer's pictureBill Lear

Do you remember when?

Do you remember when?

I am not talking about “ The Good Old Days!”

I am talking about when you accepted Jesus as your Savior and were filled with the Holy Spirit:

If feelings talked, you would have felt joy: You would have felt like you were on cloud nine:

The Bible says in Nehemiah 8: 10 — Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: For this day is Holy unto the Lord: Neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the lord is your strength:

Do you remember how joyful you were and felt when you received salvation?

Do you remember the joy of the lord — filling your being? We — (myself included) ought to be living with this Joy daily and not just when you go to church or hear a great sermon by a minister:

Dictionary meaning of Joy — A feeling of great pleasure and happiness!

We all (myself included) get caught up in the day to day humdrum: We get lost in that and the joy disappears: We end up being sad or like a balloon — Deflated!

What happens then? — Depression sets in; feeling down; wondering what is wrong; — asking yourself — why is this happening?

Well, it will be a change in our lives, if we could keep the joy of the Lord in us and surrounding us daily!

Well, that can happen! How? By pressing into the presence of the Holy Spirit daily — instead of every now and then or when I think of it:

When I was growing up, we used to hear an ad on TV that said — A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down!

Well, an hour a day with the Lord will keep depression; anxiety and those things go down and will cause the joy of the Lord to rise up

Joy is not automaticyou shift gears and get yourself involved with Joy:

How? By singing songs of praise: By speaking words that uplift instead of words and thoughts of doubt!

Let’s keep our faith balloon filled with the laughing gas of the Holy Spirit and when we do — depression will leave and joy will come!


For more of my teaching — go to

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