This is what happens to Christians sometimes: They hear the word taught and accept Jesus as their Savior, but then they hear some teacher/preacher talk about healing or prosperity:
Here is what happens: It is much like growing up in the natural: We all start out on Milk, then move to food that is pureed or made soft so we could swallow without choking: After that, your Mother started feeding you big people’s food, like meat, beans, mashed potatoes.
Once we grow and get our teeth, we start eating big people food, such as Meat that is not mashed or pureed:
We start eating vegetables without being mashed: Why? Because you are growing and as you grow you quit eating the stuff in the baby food jars etc.
You now have teeth and you can chew your food like Mom and Dad did: Well, the word of God is the same: you start out with little Christian food that goes down easy without choking you: The Pastor or Preacher may soften the word so you don’t choke and that is okay when you are a New born Christian, However, there needs or becomes a time when you swallow the word of God, without it being mashed or watered down:
Back to the natural, if you would have stayed on mush baby food or watered down, you might have grown a little, but you would not have been nourished like you should be if you ate the big people food:
Healing is big Christian food: Living in God’s way of prosperity is living on big Christian food:
The ability to feed baby Christians is living on big Christian food that is not watered down or mashed up:
Some people leave churches because they can’t take the strong meat of the word: They go around and say, “I don’t believe in prosperity stuff.” Or “I don’t believe God heals today,”
What are these Christians doing? They are choking on the big chunks of the Gospel truth because they haven’t strengthened their spiritual teeth so they could swallow it:
Most of the time, when this happens, is due to the fact that they are listening to someone else who has to have watered down version of God’s word:
Now, in the natural, you won’t die if all you do is eat baby food, but your body may not grow strong like it should: Your teeth might not get as hard as they should, while on baby food: Your bones might stay soft and break: You might not get strong enough to walk or run:
The same with the word, you will remain a Christian and go to heaven when you die, but you sure did miss out on God’s best: God’s best is desiring to eat at God’s table and eating everything that is on the table:
How many growing up were told, to eat your vegetables and meat, it will help you grow?
Well, God is saying, eat the meat of my word that is placed before you, so you can grow there by:
One of the things I almost left out: When you were a newborn in the natural, you had to have someone feed you or you would not have been fed: You were not able to eat and grow like you should:
Feeding on the word: You may have had to be hand fed for a while, but then there came a time you needed to feed yourself:
Another thing, you were growing up, you did not grow by eating just one meal: You ate two or three or more meals every day:
The same with the supernatural, you need the word everyday instead of just on Sunday morning:
Take time out of your day to do the following:
1) Go to church where the meat of God’s word is taught:
2) Listen to Cd’s or utube from a strong minister that feeds you strong meat:
3) Take the Bible and start reading it from Genesis to Revelations:
4) Get a concordance and do word studies to help you understand:
5) Take time to pray, both in your native language as well as in the spirit:
First of all, above everything that I said --- You must develop a taste or a desire for more and more of God: (Don’t be satisfied with status-quo)
When you do, you will see yourself become a mature man or woman of faith instead of an infant drinking a watered-down bottle of the word:
Remember: Jesus is Lord!
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