“Everything in God’s word is for you.”
The above is true but you must understand that it is not automatic! There is something we all need to do, in order to activate it in our lives:
There are a lot of people that think, well it is in the Bible it should be working, but I said it three times and I am still the same as I was before I started saying it:
You must understand that you have choices!
You must Read it for yourself
You must accept it as what God said, no matter how you see it or feel
You can reject it because you don’t see it or feel it working in your life:
Example: I have been seeing an eye specialist for 2-3 years now, due to having diabetes:
Everytime I went, he would take pictures of my eyes, look at them and say, “Well they are swollen and put medicine in them”. This went on twice a year for two two three years:
I would leave there disappointed for I was believing for me to hear, they are much better or they are normal, but that did not happen, even though I was speaking the word over my body and my eyes every day:
Now, don’t get me wrong, you must do your part in order to receive it and be what the word or Bible said that God and Jesus did it for you:
Now, as far as God is concerned, what he said is already done and it was completed when Jesus went to the cross and died and arose again: Jesus said “It is finished meaning that Salvation and healing for man-kind was complete.
Now, as for us, we must totally believe it without doubting, no matter how we feel or what we see with our natural eyes:
Well, you might ask --- What must I do?
Continue to believe God’s word is true, no matter what you see , hear or what the doctor or anyone else says: Note: What the doctor say is true in the natural but Faith must take it a step more with our belief system:
Believe God’s word no matter what friends, doctors or others say: Don’t put them down --- they are only speaking what they see in the natural:
Let’s look at an example from the word of God:
Let’s look at the word of God about the woman with an issue of blood:
Mark 5:25-34 And a certain woman which had an issue of blood twelve years:
And suffered many things of many physicians and had spent all that she had and was nothing bettered but rather grew worse:
When she heard of Jesus, came in the press behind and touched his garment:
For she said” if I may touch But his clothes, I shall be made whole:
And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague:
Well, there were a few things she did before she was healed:
She heard about Jesus
She believed what she heard
She said --- “if I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole.”
She did what she heard
Now, what did she hear about Jesus?
All of the good that he did when Jesus touched other people:
She must have seen with her eyes what happened when others touched Jesus or he touched them:
She had to believe the same thing would happen to her if she touched him: (Even though she touched his garment --- the anointing was in his garment:)
She said with her mouth --- “If I but touch his clothes I shall be whole
All this woman did was positive action: She did not wonder if it would, nor did she say ---- “I wonder what would happen if I just touch his clothes?”
No, she just went right out and said --- When I do this, I will be made whole:
Her actions matched what she said!
If she would have said it, but wandered in her mind and spoke negative or questioned what she said, if she would be healed, she would not have received her healing:
She had to:
Believe Jesus would
She had to believe that the moment she did something (action) she would receive what she said:
Any negative questions or thoughts would have negated her faith and she would have left the way she came:
Now, back to me and my eyes --- As I said I have been going to this specialist for a long time, getting shots put in and only getting the same answer (“Well they are still swollen”)
Well, this month in November I heard the Lord tell me to make a copy of a minister Keith Moore who put out 101 scriptures on healing and for myself, to add Thank You to the end of each of those scriptures . Then he instructed me to speak these scriptures twice a day and take communion twice a day.
I followed his instructions and just last week, I had another eye appointment which involved pictures but something was different this time: When I was called into the doctor's office for him to look at those pictures, I had a totally different response than before:
His response to my question on how my eyes looked he sat there quiet for a bit and then said, “They are looking great!”
Wow --- Imagine how I felt hearing those words! I was extremely happy!
Now, back to my teaching --- If you today question in your thought life and speak out --- “I wonder if he will?” or “ I wonder if it will work for me?” or “ I bet when I get there , if I can at all, --- I am pretty weak you know” “ I have been through this before” or he will walk away or shut off his power and it won’t work for me, or “I saw others and they left the same way they came:
Well, you must understand that being negative will put the brakes on the positive:
Example: Take two magnets --- if you touch positive to positive they will connect, but if you turn one around and touch positive to negative they will repel each other:
Well faith and Jesus are positive, so when you touch Jesus with faith, they will pull together, but if you try to touch faith with negative they will repel from each other:
This kind of faith works in any situation: You don’t have to be someone special , you don’t have to have some degree in education --- You simply must believe what he said in his word :
If you question why is it not working, why do I still feel the same, then you are not in faith, you are repelling the truth of Gods word!
Time cannot be one of our main focuses, but the word --- when stuck to -- will work:
Remember --- Jesus is Lord!
For more of my teaching go to: williamlear.org