Depression, frustration, Suppression are all faith blockers:
All of the above are satan's tactics to destroy and depress your faith and without faith it is impossible to please and receive anything from God!
I have had all of these hit me in recent days and weeks, especially frustration:
It seemed like no matter what I was doing, it either turned out wrong or did not turn out at all:
I love to work with wood and use a hammer, saws, nails, screws etc.
This week I would pound a nail and miss it leaving a big dent mark in the wood causing me to start all over:
I would go to cut another piece of wood and cut it on the wrong side of the cut line, making it too short:
I would be putting a screw in and the screw would split the wood, so I decided to stop and do something else:
I got my power washer out to spray off my patio etc., Well, the power washer started up, I had water hooked to it and the water was turned on, but nothing came out of the wand:
These things are all faith stoppers or stealers, for you cannot perate in faith and be frustrated at the same time:
The above are all tactics of satan to keep faith out of your heart and mouth:
You know as well as I do --- that you cannot do or receive anything from God when frustrated or stressed out:
You must kick the devil in the butt as to say and stop his tactics:
Once you do this, things will fall into place: Your mouth is the key that locks or unlocks the door to satan's tactics or it will lock or unlock the door to faith:
The more you say frustrating words out of your mouth, when things go wrong, you open the door wider and wider for the devil to put more than his foot between the door and the door jam of faith:
It will only open the door, somuch that he is standing in your spiritual doorway, pointing his finger and laughing at you:
He has defeated you in your faith walk! ----- Frustration is one of his biggest and favorite tool he uses to get you out of faith and keep frustration around you:
We as Christians --- must stop what we are doing by using ---- out of our mouths --- to speak God's word until we kick the devils butt:
He is nothing by himself, but if we let him in, he uses our mouth, mind and actions, to contrl us and keep us in frustration and out of faith:
Use our mouth to give God praise in the middle of frustration and watch the devil flee:
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