Today we will talk more about faith! Faith is a now thing, not a tomorrow thing or a past thing, but every days, Faith is Now!
We cannot live on yesterdays faith or live on today’s faith for tomorrow: Faith is new every day, in other words Faith must become new every day.
So, Sunday is NOW a faith day!
Monday is NOW a faith day!
Tuesday is a NOW faith day, not a yesterday’s Faith day:
Wednesday is NOW a faith day!
Thursday is Now a faith day!
Friday is NOW a faith day!
Saturday is NOW a faith day!
In other words, you cannot live and do things today on yesterdays faith: You must start each day anew with Faith.
You cannot rely on yesterdays faith or what faith may be tomorrow!
The reason is that Faith is always now! You say well I don’t understand this, I did not know there was a different type of faith each day! Well, I am not at all saying that: Let me explain!
When you leave and go to bed Sunday night and you wake up Monday morning, you no longer call it Sunday, but you call it Monday and so forth:
Your faith that worked for you yesterday will not work today. Let me explain it this way:
Today you are believing for a horse and you trusted God for that horse and put your faith on it and received it. Tomorrow, you might be believing for a barn or a stall for that horse to stay in, but when you pray for the stall, you are not praying for a horse or say, I had faith yesterday and got a horse, so I will believe for the barn or stall on yesterday’s faith because I got my horse by faith yesterday:
Faith is a Now thing! Everyday you must use your faith for today and not rely on what worked yesterday.
When you change from yesterday to today, it is no longer yesterday. The same with faith, it is still faith, but it is a now thing.
You must see that every day, Faith is. Faith must be an everyday occurrence, just because it worked yesterday, does not mean it will work today, just because you got your answer to you prayer yesterday.
If you received an answer today on your faith and tomorrow you say, I am believing for this or that based upon the fact that my faith worked yesterday:
You must put faith to work each day: You cannot say, well it worked yesterday, so I don’t have to use my faith today, no, faith is to be used every day, so that makes it a now thing:
You cannot pray to receive healing or something else today, by saying I receive this today, based upon my faith yesterday or I will receive today what I am believing for tomorrow! No, Faith must be an everyday thing. In other words, is Tuesday is a different day than it was Monday? You must use your faith Tuesday for what you believe for on Tuesday and use your faith Wednesday for Wednesday and Thursday, for Thursday. If you ask for something today and say, I receive this on yesterday’s faith, you will not get it!
Faith must remain in the now tense or present tense not in tomorrow’s tense if you want it today.
When you believe for something new tomorrow, you must pray in faith today and not say, I ask this in yesterdays faith Amen. Faith is now!
Again, every day is new, so is Faith, it must be Faith for today, not for yesterday! How does this sound? Father I believe I receive my horse yesterday? Well, yesterday is gone and you have no horse:
But, you can says, I prayed yesterday for a horse and it has not yet manifest, but I stand today on faith that I receive my horse.
But it did not come again, well say, I may not have received my horse yesterday, but I will not be discouraged so, I believe today, I have my horse!
Faith must be used every day. Sometimes as I said above, you might pray in faith for something and did not receive it in the time frame you said it would be, don’t give up, say okay I believe I receive my horse. You keep your faith in the present tense:
Hebrews 11: 6 says Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Keep faith as your substance, and not based upon what you see or don’t see with your natural eyes.
Faith is the substance, rather you get what you prayed for today or it comes next month! Faith must remain a now thing it must be in use every day!
If you waver and say, well I guess Faith does not work because I did not get what I asked for yesterday, so I will just forget it! No, if it don’t come in the time frame you stipulated, then keep your faith active and say, well it did not come yesterday, so I will not give up I will have it today. You do this every day until what you asked for is manifested.
You must also add praise along with your faith! Praising God strengthens your faith!
These rules are for anything you are believing God for, rather healing for your body: Manifestation of a new house or car, it did not happen yet, but don’t stop, keep believing and speaking the word and speak it into existence:
Once you give up, it is over and now you must start believing God all over again. I will say all of this another way --- Faith is and must remain Constant!
Let me add this, praying for the same thing over and over is not faith: You must believe you receive it, when you pray or the moment you pray, rather you see it or not.
When you are in faith you say, Father I already prayed for this, but now I am trusting you for it and will stand firm that it is already mine rather I see it yet or feel it yet: You promised it in your word, so I believe I have it now in the name of Jesus:
Remember: Jesus is Lord!
For more of my teaching go to: williamlear.org
