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Finger pointing

Writer's picture: Bill LearBill Lear


There is an old song that is not heard much of anymore called --- Come and dine the master calleth come and dine:

In this message God is calling us to dine on his word, not gobble it down and run, but to dine: To dine is usually something that you take time to eat each bite, chew it properly and savor the flavor:

Too many of us have gotten satisfied with going to church on Sunday, leaving , then going about our business, then the only time we even think about God and his word is when

1) We get in trouble

2) When Sunday rolls around again.

Let’s think about the natural world for a little bit --- What if we only ate one meal for a whole week and not eat again until Sunday came?

What if you did not eat a snack in between?

The two statements above are not too smart naturally: All kinds of things happen when your natural body does not receive enough of the proper nourishment:

You probably will be sick and tired all of the time and spend lots of money at the doctor’s office to find out why your body is reacting negatively: Dumb, Dumb, Dumb

Well, this is happening in the spiritual realm when we eat one spiritual meal per week:

Our spirits need plenty of the proper nourishment as well as our bodies do in the natural:

Most people who only go to church on day a week, wander why the word does not work for them:

Now, let me clarify something here --- I am using church as an example and understand that there are circumstances where a person has to work during the week and cannot make church, but there is plenty of good nourishing food on line or radio that will feed you:

I am talking about those who go to church on Sunday and don’t crack their bibles open or listen to good teaching throughout the week:

These are the ones that run around and say --- “The word of God past away with the apostles of old:

These are the ones that say, healing does not work for me, so the bible is not true!”

These are the one’s that moan and groan about being poor all of the time:

Why do people who eat only one meal per week, don’t go around and say --- “I don’t believe that foodstuff --- It dosen’t work for me!

No, you never hear that, so on the other hand, why do you hear people say “the word of God does not work or those things in the bible passed away?

Because they are spiritually starved or famished!

They are spiritually dehydrated --- they are spiritually famished:

Let’s get a grip and put the blame in the right place when you pray once a month and nothing happens:

Let’s get a grip and put the blame where it belongs: (Us --- Me --- Myself)

My Dad always told us as we grew up --- don’t point at someone else when you get in trouble or make a mistake, but look at the fact that when you point at someone else, you have three fingers that are pointing back to the real culprit (yourself):

Those three fingers pointing back at ourselves, usually told more of the truth than was the finger pointing at brother or sister:

When you point at the pastor or your friend and say the word does not work for me, so I guess it is no good: Remember --- Pointing your finger at the pastor or minister --- you have three fingers pointing back to yourself:

Let’s get a grip and put the blame in the right place:

Get into the word for yourself and find out what it says:

Get into the word and feast on what God has already supplied for us: Everything in God’s word is true and will work --- if properly eaten:

Everything in God’s word will work if we properly digested :

The word of God cannot be a fast food restaurant --- it must be a time of feasting and slowly bite after bite devouring the savory meal:

The best meal in the natural is one that you take time to savor the flavor and let your body absorb it and be nourished by it:

So --- let’s get busy and get filled to the brim with the word of God --- daily:


For more of my teaching, go to: ot


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