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Writer's pictureBill Lear



I liken this message to a bird trapped in a cage and hung up somewhere where it can see other birds flying around:

A bird was created to fly and not be kept in a cage and so were you:

You were created by God almighty, to fly and not be cooped up in the cage of doubt or the cage of I can’t, or in the cage of “I am a no-body”!

The word of God says in (KJV) — Philippians 4:13 — I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me:

Philippians 4:13 — (Amplified) — I can do all things (which He has called me to do) through Him who strengthens and empowers me (to fulfill His purpose — I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency, I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses me with inner strength and confident peace)

I like the part the amplified says — I can do all things (which He has called me to do:)

We need to find out what he (God) wants us to do and do it, not what someone else is doing, but what God has instructed us to do: Yes, I would like to have a ministry like Kenneth E. Hagin had or one like Kenneth Copeland has, but if I don’t get out of my cage and fly with what God gave me to do, I will never be able to fly with the big birds:

Birds trapped in a cage have dreams to fly like the big birds outside, but can’t because they are caged up with just enough room to fly a little bit:

Now — I am in no way telling you that it is wrong to have real birds in a cage in your house, I am just using this as an analogy.

God did not create us to grow up in a cage wishing we could be flying with the other birds outside:

You might say — God has not called me to do anything! Oh yes he did — He said in Mark 16:15 — (New International Version) He said to them, Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation: That simply means to preach the word, no matter where you are:

(New Living Translation) — And then he told them, “ Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone:

These scriptures are not suggestions, but commands:

The command is GO YE! You say, well, “I don’t have a full-time ministry or I don’t have a license to preach, well you do not need either of these:

There is nowhere in the word that says, that you need to have a license to preach the word: In fact — Jesus gave you the license when he said “GO YE!”

That is why I teach through my website, — I am teaching the gospel through that site:

Now, Yes, I am an ordained and licensed minister and can do the things that being license let’s you do, but I don’t need a license to minister life or health to them or tell someone that Jesus loves them or wants to heal them or to pray for someone:

You don’t need a license to pray for someone to receive Christ as their Savior or to receive their healing: Just stay with this part of the ministry and you will fulfill God’s command:

Do simple things as I did a couple of years ago: One of my neighbors were diagnosed with cancer and started to take chemo treatments, when I found out, I heard the Lord say — give her the book by Dotie Osteen about her getting healed: I simply obeyed and asked her to read it:

Well, she did and a couple of months went by and I saw her outside and said — “How are you doing?” She said — “ thank you for that book, the Doctor just said that I am cancer free:” She is still working her job today:

Also, there was an elderly lady of whom I bought eggs from: One day as I was waiting for her to get the eggs, she told me about an accident she had of falling, I noticed as well, that she had a neck brace on: She asked me to pray for her: I stood in the doorway and prayed for her healing:

A couple of weeks went by and I stopped to get more eggs and noticed the neck brace was gone: I talked to her and she said, the Doctor declared her well and she took the brace off:

These two ways to do what God wants us to do: Just simple ministry but effective: Obedience is the key word here and a way to learn to fly with the big birds:

You know — Again as a child growing up, I learned to obey my parents: Sometimes, I had to learn the hard way and get a spanking on the rear: After a few of those, I learned to fly right:

Well, God will not paddle your rump, but will talk to you in a way to get you to do what he asked you to do:

*** Please understand this — God does not make you sick or take your loved one in order to teach you a lesson: These teachings are straight out of the pit of hell:

The devil will lie and tell you these things, in order to convince you that God is not a good, loving God:

God is love and love will not put sickness on you or take your child’s life in order to get you to do what he wants you to do:

Think about this — If your child mis-behaves you — Do you wish cancer on that child? Do you tell that child that he or she will die if they don’t obey?

No, I hope not! Why? Because you love them, you would do anything for them to see that love you have:

Well, God is love: In the word of God, it says — God so loved the world that he gave his only Son :

John 3:16 — For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life:

Jesus went to the cross and suffered and died in order to obey his Father — which was to save man-kind:

God — the Father gave his Son, so we could live the born again life: There are other things done for us because of that life that was given:

If God so loved us that much that he was willing to give up his only Son — How much are you willing to do in order to get someone saved or healed?

You will never be expected by God the Father for you to die for someone — No, Jesus did that for us: That is the love of God the Father and Jesus love to obey his Father:

We are not required to die for anyone, but we are required to get out of our cage and fly like the rest of the birds:

Open the door of your cage — whatever it may be and fly, fly, fly:

Do whatever God tells you to do even if it seems small:

What I am doing is small compared to the big birds, but I am not in my cage: I got out and am doing what the master has told me to do:


For more of my teaching go to : or joinme@

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