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Writer's pictureBill Lear

Have you touched him today?

Updated: Jan 3, 2023


Matthew 14: 34-36 — We will focus on verse 36 —

Verse 34 — And when they were gone over they came into the land of Gennesaret:

Verse 35 — And when the men of that place had knowledge of him, they sent out into all that country round about and brought unto him all that were diseased;

Verse 36 —And besought him that they might only touch the hem of his garment, and as many as touched were made perfectly whole :

Notice verse 36 — Read it again — They besought him that they might touch the hem of his garment!

There was so much healing anointing in Jesus that all they had to do was touch him with their faith:

You might say — Wait a minute — the scripture said they touched his garment: Now naturally there is no power in material, but in Jesus’ case he had so much power or anointing, that it flowed through his garment:

Now even though his power was so strong that all they had to do was touch his garment, But they had to have faith in order to believe that it was all they needed to do:

There are people that say, oh if I can touch him or touch Pastor or minister so and so, I would get what I asked for:

Well, these folk had to believe that Jesus was so anointed that the healing power was in his clothes: Just as it was with the woman with the issue of blood — she said, “but if I might touch the hem of his garment, I shall be made whole.”

Let me ask you this question — Have you touched him yet? Here is another question — Do you know him?

I did not ask you if you heard about him, I asked do you know him?

There are a lot of people that know about Jesus, but they do not know him:

If you were to ask these people if Jesus would heal today, they would probably say — well, I don’t know! I know he healed in the olden days, but I understand that he doesn’t heal anymore:

There is a big difference in knowing about a person and actually know them:

If you really know them, then you could say yes, I know them and be able to tell about that person:

Now, back to our subject — they knew there was enough power or anointing in Jesus clothes that all they had to do was touch his clothes:

Back to the woman with the issue of blood: She heard about Jesus, but did not know him: She saw what happened to others when they touched his clothes, but she did not know him:

Faith in Jesus and his word is the only way to get to touch him: faith said, if I can touch but the hem of his garment, I shall ( not maybe) but I shall be made whole:

In the story of the woman with the issue of blood, when she touched the hem of his garment, he felt power leaving, turned and asked, who touched me?

The Bible does not say she touched him, it says she touched his garment: It did not say that she grabbed it and pulled on his garment, it says — she touched it:

In these verses it does not say they had to grab him, but to touch the hem of his garment:

Let me ask you again — “have you touched him today?”

Now notice — None of these people touched his physical body, they simply touched the hem of his garment:

Well, how did that get them healed, if they did not touch his body?

Virtue (power) flowed out when you touch Jesus with your Faith: Power flows out of him and when power flows out, he knows that someone touched him:

We must touch him by faith because we cannot touch him or his garment, but we touch him today with our faith and when we do, he will ask the same question — “Who touched me?”

Faith is the instrument that we use to touch Jesus:

There is a song that has words like —”Faith unlocks the door!”

It was faith that healed the woman with the issue of blood and it is faith that healed all those who touched his clothes when they were in Gennesaret:

It is faith that touches him today:

So, again, I ask — “Have you touched him today?


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