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Writer's pictureBill Lear



Words and music by Duane Allen and Sager Powell

Verse 1 --- Once a man, whom we know as the Son of God, Hung upon a cruel tree; He suffered pain as no mortal man, He took my place, He did it all for me.

Verse 2 --- When I step just inside of those gates of pearl, And the master’s face I see, I’ll gladly kneel at His nail-scared feet, Oh praise the Lord, He did it all for me.

Chorus: --- He did it all for me, each drop of blood, He shed for even me; When the Savior cried, bowed His head and died, Oh praise the Lord, He did it all for me.

Now the writer of this song, states that Jesus did it all for me and that is true, but I want to say this, he did it for all of mankind, so each human being can say those words, “He did it all for me!”

God the Father and Jesus did not separate us by male or female, black, white or yellow, no, He did it all for all of mankind no matter the color or race: No matter large or small or in between. He did it all for all Humans worldwide:

I know I spoke a while back on this subject of the cross and our Lord Jesus Christ and what he did and for whom, but want to express myself again on the importance of the Fact, that no one was left out of his plan:

Now, I say that because God’s will was that all of man-kind come and be redeemed by the Savior Jesus Christ, but as we all know, there are a lot of people dying without Christ as their Savior: Is this Jesus’ fault that people are perishing without him and going to hell? No, a thousand times no, he hung on the cross for all, but it boils down to a choice that every human being must make:

Every Human being has or will come to this crossroad of decision before they pass from this life.

Now a question might be asked, what about babies that die at birth or die early in life? Will they go to hell?

The answer to the above is No! There is an age of accountability that kicks in here, so that a child dies at birth or before the age of accountability will go to heaven:

What is the age of accountability? I don’t exactly know, but understand it is at the age of 12: Now again, I cannot say that is the age or not, that is simply what I understood the age is. (Now that maybe and I believe different for those who are mentally challenged.)

Anyway, we have things we as Christians need to be doing and that is ministering the word of God, telling people what Jesus did for us and get those people to confess that Jesus is lord:

I used to think, that it was the ministers job to get people born again, but found out later that it is any person who has accepted Christ as their Savior has the ability within them to lead others to Christ:

You might say as I did when I was younger, I don’t know how to lead someone to Christ: I don’t know what to say: What if they say no when I talk to them about Christ?

Everything done for Christ is and has to be done by Faith! Faith is the catalyst that puts us over:

We do our part and let the rest up to God: Now I will say this, when we are born again, we cannot lead two different lives: One way around Christians people and another around the unsaved person :

If we have accepted Christ as our Savior, then we must live that way even in-front of those whom maybe or who is a sinner:

We cannot not win a person to Christ by acting like they do and think you will win them over: Not so, that has been and is a lie from the devil to get you to think you must come down to a sinners level, do what they do in order to win them for Christ: (As Mini-mouse would say, That’s a big bold know!) I heard that on Mickey mouse as I was watching that show with my 14-month-old Grandson: “That’s a Big Bold No!”

We need to be just that bold about what we do about winning people to Christ:

Look at the scriptures when Jesus walked on the earth, he walked in love, but was bold about what he said to people:

I said this in another teaching, you cannot have a watered-down gospel: You must be Christ-like, bold and tell it like it is:

Another thing you must realize and get a hold of and that is, once you are born again, the greater one lives in you. We can now speak boldly because Christ dwells in you!

Let’s be bold and speak the word of God boldly as Christ did when he walked this earth!


For more of my teaching go to:

We are at a Crossroad

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