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Writer's pictureBill Lear

Are you on a mountain?

Updated: Oct 14, 2022


Verse # 1 --- I’m pressing on the upward way, new heights I’m gaining every day; still praying as I’m onward bound, Lord plant my feet on higher ground:

Verse 2: --- My heart has no desire to stay where doubts arise and fears dismay, Tho some may dwell where these abound; My prayer, my aim is higher ground:

Verse 3 --- I want to scale the utmost height, and catch a gleam of glory bright; But still I’ll pray till heaven I’ve found; “Lord lead me on to higher ground:

Chorus: --- Lord lift me up and let me stand, by faith on heavens table land, A higher plane I have found, Lord plant my feet on higher ground:

This is an old song, I remember singing in church I grew up in: I believe we need to get back to pressing on to higher ways in Christ:

As long as we live and grow in Christ, there will always be room for growth and going higher in Christ and the word of God:

There should never be a moment go by in our lives, that we aren’t spending time in prayer and study of his word:

I believe, the body of Christ have got laxed in this area and become stale and satisfied where we are at:

Well, I am encouraging you today to restart your engines, fill up with the fuel of God’s word and press on to higher heights:

What would happen if we ignored food and drink for our natural bodies? Well, our bodies would shrivel up and eventually die:

Our spirits are just as hungry and need daily fed, with the word of God and with prayer:

In the natural, you can eat so much that your body becomes fat: That is not good for you or I, but when it comes to our spirits, we cannot get over full or too fat:

God the creator made us in such a way, that the more word we eat, the more we grow and get stronger in Christ;

I have spoken about this before, but it bares repeating: In the natural, if you eat and eat you will get fat, over weight and sloppy, unless you exercise to strengthen your muscles: Well, working the word correctly will strengthen your spiritual muscles:

If you use study of the word but never put the word out, you can become sloppy spiritually speaking: Exercise your faith after you feed on the word: Take what you have learned and teach others; Pray for others; encourage others to press on to higher heights in the word of God:

No matter how much you grow in the word, you cannot get to big unless you hoard it all for yourselves or become stingy with the word:

Ephesians 6:10 --- Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might: Well again, the only way you can be strong in the Lord and word is by getting into the word and plant it into your spirits and exercise your spirits and faith by sowing into others lives:

There are a lot of defeated Christians out there in the world that do not know how to press on to higher ways and some don’t know that you can:

1) They listen to discouraging words:

2) They have no concept of what God’s word can do for them:

3) They get satisfied with status quo and say as they leave church --- well, I went to church once this week, that’s good enough:

4) They spend no time in prayer:

Wow! I just heard this inside of me: “Prayer is the water and fertilizer that is needed to cause the word planted in you to grow:

Let’s keep pressing on to higher ways and keep gaining every day: Lets pray as we on-ward bound, and let the word plant us on higher ground:

Let’s keep our hearts pure and from having a desire to stay defeated and lame in the word and faith:

Let’s scale the utmost heights of the word and be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might:

Let’s ask God to, and the study of the word, help us stand and move to higher plain and to help plant our feet on higher ground

REMEMBER: JESUS IS LORD! And for more writings,

Higher Ground

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Bill Lear
Bill Lear
Jan 16, 2020

Thanks for reading

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