Why should I feel discouraged?
And why should the shadows come?
Why should my heart feel lonely
And long for heavenly home
When Jesus is my portion?
And my constant friend is He
You know, his eye is on the little sparrow
And I know he cares for you and me
His eye is on the little sparrow
And I know God is watching over you and me
I sing because my soul is happy
I sing because I’m free
For His eye, it is on the little sparrow
And I know He’s watching over you and me
Source: Lyric find
Songwriters: Civilla Martin/ Charles Gabriel
His Eye is On the Sparrow lyrics Warner Chappell Music, Inc. Universal Music Publishing Group
His eye is on the sparrow and he is watching me! If God watches over a small bird like a sparrow, why would he not watch over you and me?
The fact is that he does watch over us, to keep us safe from harm, to help us make the right decisions, help us stay on track with his word.
Why would he not watch over us, when he is closer than a brother and he lives within you?
How much closer can anyone be than to live inside you and me? Well he does watch over us all the time, he guides us in the right direction and lets us know when we do wrong:
The real problem is that we are to much listening to our own minds that we cannot hear his still small voice:
When we zero in more on the natural than the spiritual, we get ourselves into a place that we either cannot hear his voice or promptings, or we ignore those promptings because we want so much to do what we want to do:
God is a gentleman and he will keep prompting us to do his will in every thing in life, but he will not override our will:
God is patient and is kind, but he will not override your will: God will not force you to listen to his voice anymore than he can make you accept him as your savior if you don’t want to be saved:
If he could make you do his will, he would have done it at the beginning when he created Adam and Eve: If God wanted to be in that much control of what you do, he would have made robots and just pressed buttons that would direct you to do what he wanted:
No, he wanted someone to fellowship with and you cannot fellowship with a robot:
A robot comes on and off at the press of a button: A robot will not work unless it has batteries or some type of electrical power to make it work:
A robot will not act on its own, it will only do what its owner tells it to do: If the owner does not tell it to do something, it will just sit there and do nothing:
God does not want robots, he made us a living soul: He gave us life, a brain and the ability to use that brain and when we do, things gets done, but as I said before, he will let you go the opposite direction if you choose: He is not happy when we do that but since we are not robots, he can’t just take his finger off of the switch and make you stop:
No, his eye is on the sparrow because he loves them, and he created them: Well his eye is on the born-again Christian to guide us in the right direction, because he created us:
We did not come into being by some weird thing the earth did and there popped up a human being:
No, we (unlike anything else), were made in his image and likeness: He is alive and well, and we were made alive and well: We don’t have batteries that run down and have to be changed: We don’t run off of electrical power that needs to be plugged in;
We operate by the power of the most high: We are (again) made in his image and his likeness:
Genesis 19:6 --- Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man: Notice the words, “In the image of God, made he man!” :
How much clearer could that be said? We were made in his image and it is not God’s fault if we don’t act like him:
Nowhere in the Bible do you see that God and Jesus fought on how man should be made, no God made man in his own image:
We need to read the book of wisdom (the bible) to see how we should act and be:
Many humans made Jesus Lord, but a lot have not conformed to his image, because they don’t know him and do not know how they should be:
To know him and find out how we should be, and act which comes from the study of the word of God and in prayer:
The more we spend time in the word and in prayer, the more we become like him:
How many of us as we grew and were little would dress like one of our parents and go around playing and acting like them? Well, the Father God wants us to act like him:
We should be healing the sick, casting out devils, getting more people born again, so they can be more like him:
Let us be like the sparrow and let God watch over us: Let God guide us everywhere we need to go: Listen to his voice and obey his voice:
The more we press into him, the more we will press into his likeness:
Know this, his eye is on the sparrow and he is watching over us and all we need to do is follow his instruction:
For more of my teaching, go to williamlear.org