Charles A. Miles, 1913
copyright status is Public Domain
Subjects: Jesus/Savior, Joy
Scripture: John 20:15-16
Garden [.xml]
Charles A. Miles, 1913
copyright status is Public Domain
Verse 1 --- I come to the garden alone, while the dew is still on the roses,
And the voice I hear falling on my ear the Son of God discloses.
Verse 2 --- He speaks, and the sound of His voice is so sweet the birds hush their singing, and the melody that He gave to me within my heart is ringing.
Verse 3 --- I’d stay in the garden with Him, though the night around me be falling, But he bids me go; through the voice of woe, His voice to me is calling.
Chorus: --- And He walks with me, and He talks with me, and He tells me I am His own; And the joy we share as we tarry there, None other has ever known.
There are times we need to just get alone with God: To much of our time in this life is taken up with other things and we forget to spend time in the garden (as to speak) just you and the Lord:
We have house cleaning, children, grandchildren, getting groceries, paying bills, going to work just to name a few things:
We get so busy, we tend to forget to pray or talk to God and the Lord Jesus Christ: There are a lot of distractions and before you know it, it is time to go to bed:
Another thing, we are also set in our ways (got to do this at this time, got to do that at this time, oh yea, I almost forgot to do that!
Well, all of these are distractions and take us away from spending time with him: I am not saying the other things aren’t important, but we tend to focus on the natural instead of the spiritual:
How do I know this, because it happens to me! Even now as I am typing this newsletter, I have things in my mind that I need to do and yes, they are important, but I must not let distractions move me away from the time I spend with the Father or the Lord Jesus Christ:
I am in no way saying we need to go off the deep end and forget about the natural, however, we need balance in our lives:
I make time in my life to spend time with my children and grandchildren, which is very important, but I am spending time with God and Jesus as my Savior: I find I can wash dishes or cook my meal or clean my house and do my chores and am able to carry on a conversation with God and the Lord Jesus Christ:
You must understand that once you are born again, God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are inside of you and hear every word you say: Yes, they are listening and know exactly what you are doing, there is no place to hide or run to that God and Jesus does not know where you are:
As I said earlier you can be cleaning house, washing dishes, cooking, doing your job at work and still talk to him: Now, don’t get me wrong, we still need to set time aside and get alone with God!
You need to get alone with God, just as you and your spouse need to spend time alone with each other: So many divorces happen when we don’t spend enough time with our spouses, or it can also happen when are children are growing up and we don’t spend time with them: What usually happens is the find someone else to spend time with and sometimes that person is not the right person to hang out with:
You might say, well, I go to church on Sunday, isn’t that enough? No, it is a good start and we all need to be going to church when the doors are open, but believe me, Sunday and Wednesday church is not enough: Besides, you are not spending time alone with him:
Think about trying to spend time with your children or grandchildren with all kind of interruptions or chaos going on, your time will not be beneficial:
When you spend time with your children or grandchildren, you want to spend as much time together as much as possible, especially when they are out doing their thing and only show up every now and then: You want to know what is going on in their lives, how work is doing etc.:
Spending time with the Lord should be more than complaining to him about the nasty things, so and so said about you: Guess what! He already knows; he hears your conversations:
Spending time with him could be a prayer time, a reading/studying of his word or just simply saying Daddy God, I love you: Thank you for loving me: I am not here to ask for anything, just want to be with you:
I know what this is, my children are grown up and raising their own children, but I love the times when they stop by and say, I want to spend time with you:
My oldest Son and I go to train shows together, we like trains and both of us have trains and tracks at our houses, but what I am saying is, we are spending time together:
My youngest Son and I might go to a stream or lake and fish, we are spending time together and I enjoy that:
You might take your spouse out to lunch or dinner, that is spending time together!
What I am saying in all of this, is take (as what the song says) and go to the garden alone while the dew is still on the roses:
Do you know what else this is saying? Dew is on the roses early in the morning, so our time with him should be first thing instead of, oh my gosh, today is over and I took no time with God the Father:
Early in the morning, I shall praise him! Early in the morning I shall talk to him: Maybe we all need to set our alarms a little early so we can spend time with him and walk through the garden with him, before we start the rest of our day: Amen!
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