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Writer's pictureBill Lear

Do you have the life of God?

Updated: Oct 14, 2022






Do you have the life of God in you? If not, just repeat this prayer and mean what you say:

Heavenly Father I come to you in the name of Jesus: I confess Jesus as my Lord and Savior: Jesus, come in today and come in to stay:

Thank you and now my friend you are born again: Not only are you born again but you have the life of God in you:

What is the life of God? It is a guarantee that you now have all of the promises of God inside of you:

Your are now, little Christians, Everything that Jesus ever was and now is, is inside of you and all you have to do is grow in those things:

To grow in those things, you must feed on the word of God: You must feed yourself daily on the word: You can do this by studying his word (Bible) and closely look at the scriptures of promise. Praying to him daily is another way and important way to fellowship with him:

The scriptures will explain who and what you are in Him: Once you make Jesus the Lord of your life, you will never loose it. That life is in you and upon you all through eternity. Look up scriptures that tell you, who and what you are in Christ:

When you make Jesus Lord of your life, You have the life of God in you: You have his nature and His ability in you: All that he has and is, is now in you and by using the faith of God already in you, you can operate as Jesus did when he walked on the earth:

You can pray for the sick and see them recover, you can lead others to Christ and watch them be born again: One other item that will help you is being filled with his spirit with the speaking in tongues which is a language you receive when you start praying in the Holy Ghost:

Gods words and his ways of doing things are yours to use, because you are now a child of God:

In the natural, you had a Father and Mother and all they had was yours: Sure, there were things they would not put into your hands until you were mature enough to handle them: Example: Guns, knives, Swords etc. These are dangerous if not used properly:

So, your parents keep them out of your reach until they know you are old enough to understand what they can do:

Some Christians get born again and immediately go out and try to use the weapons of God and wonder why the word does not work:

It takes time in the Spirit much like it does in the natural. You don’t give a one or two-year-old a loaded gun or a sharp knife, why? They might hurt themselves or someone else:

God’s word is a powerful weapon against the enemy, but you must learn how to use it:

Once you are born again, you have the ability of God in you, but does not mean that you are ready to use those weapons:

Feed on the word much like you feed on milk and food in the natural: Realize, you are a baby in Christ:

I have a one-year old Grandson, a 7-year-old Granddaughter and a 10 – year - old Granddaughter and I will not hand them a gun loaded or not. Why, they don’t know how to use it properly:

Learning those things come in time, even though the ability may be in them, they do not know the dangers of those weapons yet:

The word of God is a tool that every born-again person can use and should be started by learning for yourself what all happened from the cross to the throne.

The word of God (Bible) is the training device that all Christians need to be using: You see the word Christian simply means --- Christlike!

As you grew up in the natural, you had someone special in your life that you wanted to be just like: You would watch them when they were around or you would see someone like John Wayne on television and find yourself mimicking them: You would (as a boy) get you cap pistol and cowboy hat and go around acting like John Wayne:

My boys would do that as they were growing up, in-fact I have a picture of my youngest son with his diaper on, his pistol strapped on his side, his cowboy hat on and standing there watching a cowboy show on TV:

Well, the same process works with God! We are to become mimickers of him in all we do and the only way to learn how to mick God is by looking at and seeing what he did through Jesus Christ which is found in the new testament of the Bible: Even the old testament has things about what the prophets of old did as they obeyed God the Father:

I will tell you this as well, there is nothing wrong with you mimicking a pastor or minister that you like that is speaking or using God’s word and one who is successful at what he or she is doing:

Take time to find out who and what you are in Christ and use the life of God that is within you!


For more of my teaching go to:

Have the life of God in you!

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Bill Lear
Bill Lear
Oct 24, 2020


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