By: Francis H. Rowley
I will sing the wondrous story of the Christ who died for me; How He left His home in glory For the cross of Calvary,
Yes, I’ll sing the wondrous story of the Christ who died for me, sing it with the saints in glory, Gathered by the crystal sea.
I was lost, but Jesus found me, Found the sheep that went astray, Threw His loving arms around me, Drew me back into His way.
I was bruised, but Jesus healed me, faint was I from many a fall, Sight was gone, and fears possessed me, But He freed me from all.
Days of darkness still come o’er me; By His guiding hand I’m led.
He will keep me till the river Rolls its waters at my feet; Then He’ll bear me safely over, Where the loved ones I shall meet.
Yes, I’ll sing the wondrous story of the Christ who died for me, sing it with the saints in glory, Gathered by the crystal sea.
Let me ask you this question --- Can you sing the wondrous story? Has it (the wondrous story) been a part of your life?
Does Christ dwell in you? Note: you don’t have to wait until you die and go to heaven before you sing these praises, he wants you to do it now as well as then!
This is a song we need to sing every day as a praise song to our God and Lord Jesus Christ to show our gratitude for what he has done for us!
When you think of what he has done for us, it is beyond any natural imagination:
I think (even myself included in this) we don’t spend enough time singing about the wondrous story of a Christ who died for me:
We (myself included) spend way to much time doing everything we can in the natural to make our houses, our cars, our bodies, our hair, look good (and we should) but for us to spend more time doing the above and not spending time with praise to our Lord Jesus Christ for what he has done, is actually a disgrace to him:
In scripture we see teaching and hear teaching about giving a tenth of our finances to God for the spreading of the gospel, which we should be doing, and is God’s will for us to do, but he wants us to give the same amount of time (a tenth) praising him for what he has done: We should make it a daily thing, to sing the wondrous story of a Christ who died for me: Sing it with the saints in glory, far beyond the crystal sea: (Remember, sing it now as well as then!
All those who have passed on to glory, sing these praises all of the time, why don’t we do it here on the earth? Why wait until we join those who have gone on before.
In the natural, when we make a friend or fall in love with someone, we want to spend as much time with them and get to know them. This is a natural thing for humans to do!
We need to make singing the wondrous story of a Christ who died for us more important than trying to make friends on this earth.
Now, as I said earlier, there is nothing wrong with making friends, but God and the Lord Jesus expects equal time spent with them.
The things we can do is besides singing praises is to spend time in his word! How much time do you spend reading and studying the word of God? Is it the first thing on your mind when you wake up in the morning? Or is it the last thing before we go to bed? Or is it a thing we think about it, but say, I’ll do it tomorrow.
No, make God a priority, I do this in my life! Every morning when I get up, I spend time reading his word and praying before I start the rest of my day:
I sometimes find myself singing praise songs as I go around, cleaning, mowing grass etc.
I am not being boastful or prideful, in saying the statement above, but just telling you, if I can do this, so can you. You can be on your way to work, or to the grocery store and you can give praise to him as you are driving:
God and our Lord Jesus knows we have earthly things to do, and they don’t mind, all they want is a portion of your time, sing the wondrous story:
I also am not saying you have to sing, maybe you are one that cannot carry a tune in a bucket, but God does not care. He just wants you to make a joyful noise unto the Lord.
How precious is your Lord? How joyful are you that he died so you could live and go to heaven where he is. How wonderful that you can say, I thank you for the house, the car, the children you gave me:
Psalms 95: 1 --- O come, let us sing unto the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.
Psalms 98:4 --- Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise.
Psalms 98:6 --- With trumpets and sound of cornet, make a joyful noise before the Lord, the King.
Psalms 100: 1 --- make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands.
There are scriptures in the Bible that tell us how wars were won as the people sang praises to God.
It would do you good to find these stories (which are true) and see how people were rescued from their enemies. See how the Israelite's went across the red sea and their enemies drowned behind them.
There were so many victories during those times and should be in our time as well.
You need to look back in the word and see how many times they were defeated because they did not obey the command of the Lord.
These people gave praise to God for what he done, before Jesus died on the cross for us:
How much more should we be giving praise, since Jesus has already died, and arose again?
I and thinking about all that I am writing and realize, as much as I praise him, I still don’t praise him enough:
Maybe you don’t realize what Jesus did for us on the cross enough to be thankful and give him praise or we don’t realize what the Father God went through, knowing he had to give the life of his Son Jesus so that we could live a joyful life:
Think about it and ask yourself! Am I praising God and the Lord Jesus Christ enough? If the answer is no, then start today spending more time with him:
For more of my teaching, go to: williamlear.org
Thanks for reading