I apologize but I could not get the song to copy into this message
Are we singing of the mercies of the Lord forever or are we singing Woe is me forever?
In this world today, it is very easy to sing woe is me, why can’t I get ahead? Why are things not working for me?
Why isn’t God answering my prayers? Well, ask yourself what you have been doing?
We all have things we need to do for ourselves, our friends, our families, but are we spending enough time singing of the mercies of the Lord?
I am not coming down on you, but adding myself to the equation: I must remind myself, who it is that brought me this far in life? Who gave me his life so I could We live?
Sometimes we judge others in the world as though they are doing so good because the got a better home than we, the got a nicer car than we! They never seem lonely; they never seem down and out!
I guarantee, they are from time to time, but they have learned to hide that part of their life real good: Every human being has felt that way from time to time, but when that happens, we need to sing the wondrous story of Jesus and his love and what he did for us on the cross.
Let’s look at the portion of the song I copied below:
Notice, the song does not say, I will sing of the mercies of the Lord every now and then!
We all fall into this picture every now and then, but must rise above this kind of norm and do what the song says and sing of the mercies of the lord:
There was a lot of reasons in 2020 that could have and most likely caused us to shrink back from our praises and look at the news and believe it and say, well Where is God? Where and what is he doing? Why has he not fixed this problem yet?
Well, we don’t have all of the answers as we think we should: We need to take a step back, when this happens and ask ourselves, What am I doing about this situation? What can I do about this situation? Instead of why isn’t God doing something about this.
During these times of not knowing, we need to sing of the mercies of the Lord: Start by thinking about the good things he has already done, think about how your life was before you were saved or think about how sick you were before you were healed:
We need to look not with the natural eyes, but keep our focus on God, his word and his promises:
Sometimes we need to go and read the old testament and remember what God did at the red sea, how he drowned a whole army in the red sea, but at the same time, rescued the Israelites at the same time and at the same sea.
Why was he able to save the Israelite's from the destruction? Because the sang of the mercies of the Lord!
You say, well they grumbled, yes but when they got through grumbling, they obeyed and sang of the mercies of the Lord:
What happened, the enemy was drowned in the sea, and they (the Israelite's) walked out of the same sea on dry ground: Notice, it was also the same day, not the next day, but the same day:
Believe me, we all do this grumbling from time to time, just as the Israelite's did, but we need to be like them and remember about the last time God delivered us:
Our job, me included, must make up our minds to sing of the wondrous story of a Christ who died for me: Sing it with the saints in glory, far beyond the crystal sea:
We do not need to wait until we get to heaven to sing praises to God, but do it in the here and now:
We need to keep those praises on our lips, all day long: When we feel the red sea closing in us, we need to stop and say, no you don’t red sea, I choose to sing the wondrous story of the Love he gave to me. Listen here devil, I am crossing over on dry ground for he has lifted me above this turmoil:
Remember that Jesus paid it all, so we don’t have to! He paid the price and all we have to do is enjoy it and sing the wondrous story:
Remember: Jesus is Lord!
For more of my teaching go to: williamlear.org
Thanks for reading