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Writer's pictureBill Lear

Are you Happy?!

Updated: Oct 14, 2022

If you're happy and you know it, *clap your hands. If you're happy and you know it, *clap your hands. If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it. If you're happy and you know it, *clap your hands.

*Substitute: stomp your feet say "Amen" do all three Source: Sing With Me #202

Are you happy today? It is hard sometimes to be happy, when we look at the things around us in the natural:

That is why we need to stay hooked up to the supernatural, so we can overcome those things that drag us down and into despair:

I know for myself, that I let the things going on in this world negatively affect me and I must always take the bull by the horns and get myself back on track with the word:

I know I say things like this in most of my teachings, but they bare repeating. Remember in school, how you had to learn math, spelling tests etc.? You would write the math problem out over and over until you got it: You would spell the words over and over until you got it:

In school, you did not learn what you were assigned to learn by hearing it once spoken or you did not learn to spell a word by seeing it one time: You had to see it, write it say it sometimes out-loud over and over and over:

God’s word must be learned and spoken the same way: You must understand that there is a devil out there doing his best to keep the word from becoming a part of your life: He knows that when the word of God takes control of your whole being, he is defeated in every way:

Maybe you get the victory over one area and all of a sudden, another problem or issue arises and does its best to discourage you:

These things are an attack of the devil to steal the word of God, so it (the word of God) does not take over in your life:

I will tell you this, it is the little things in my life that has had its bearing on destroying God’s word and do its best to reverse the promises of God:

Take this for an example: In 2016 I was diagnosed a diabetic, when that news came to me, immediately the devil said I was going to die: He even listed all the things that would/could happen to me that would bring on death:

I got into the word of God after hearing that Doctors report, I looked up all the things/foods I needed to change in order to keep heathy and fight against what this disease was trying to do:

Now I did not only change what I was eating or drinking, but I went to the Lord in prayer and got into his word and found scriptures that covered healing:

I read, prayed, and spoke and still speak the word over my life and body: I found scriptures of people who were listed in the Bible and read how they received the word of God and were healed.

Not long after I was diagnosed with diabetes, I was listening and watching a minister preach the word on TV: It was late at night and time for bed, so I shut the TV off and got up off of my chairs, went to the radio and turned it on: (I play a Christian station like David Ingles all night every night: However, this was different:

I got up from my chair, went to the radio and turned it on, the moment it started playing, I felt a presence go down my backside, It started about the middle of my back and this presence went out the tail end of my body:

I was such a weird feeling that I said, out loud, “ Oh Lord, what was that?” Immediately the Lord spoke to me (in a quiet voice) and said to me “Did you not know that I just gave you a new pancreas?”

I stood there kind of stunned for a little bit because I had never felt the healing presence of the Lord like that before: Well, I turned around and gave him thanks and praise for my healing and went to bed.

I continued my praise and thanksgiving and speaking the word over my life and body.

It is now going on 2021 and I still have some issues that are trying to discourage me, but when that happens, I immediately get into the word and start praising him (not that he will heal me) but because he already healed me!

I still do this today, because I know that by his stripes, I was already healed : Notice, I did not say, I was partially healed but already healed, meaning my faith is calling those things that be not as though they were:

In other words, I count my healing complete:

This is why I can stay happy and I know it! God wants this for everyone if we will receive it and speak it out in faith!

If you are feeling like I did, Say what I said, “Thank you Father that regardless of the feelings or what the doctor said I believe and know according to your word, I AM HEALED!


Remember: Jesus is Lord!

For more of my teaching go to:

I am happy are you?

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1 Kommentar

Bill Lear
Bill Lear
06. Feb. 2021

Thanks for reading

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