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Writer's pictureBill Lear



There is coming a sad day and that day is when Jesus returns for those who made him Lord of their lives:

The reason I say this will be explained below:

  1. It will be a glorious day for those of us who made Jesus the Lord of our lives:

  2. It will be a sad day for those who did not make Jesus Lord of their lives, but rejected him:

  3. There will also be sadness amongst those who see loved ones or friends turned away because they rejected Jesus Christ: They rejected what Jesus did on the cross, what he did through his resurrection.

  4. It will be a sad day to know that you could have helped them turn to God’s way of living, but for one reason or another we (Christians) kept our mouths shut:

The Gospel can be preached by anyone who has made Jesus Lord of their lives!

  1. By your speech

  2. By the way you live

  3. By being bold and ministering the word of God to others

  4. Having Bible studies and inviting those who do not know Christ as their Saviour:

Example: I know people who, if I did not know they made Jesus Lord, I would think they are on thor way to hell, because of the way they talk and act: ( My Dad used to say “Son, Actions speak louder than words:)

You either are or you are not a Christian: You either are or you are not on your way to heaven:

You cannot be a chameleon and change to be with one crowd or another and win anyone to Christ! Sooner or later, that action will catch up to you:

We Christians should be shining lights for God: We should show that we are born again by the way we talk, act and oh Yeah! — By the way we dress:

Jesus was willing to give up his life, so you could become like him: Now, Jesus was and always will be God in the flesh, He will always be the Saviour etc.

He made a choice to come to earth as a man, so he could teach us and then die on the cross for you and me:

Matthew 27: 46 — and Mark 15:34 —- And about the ninth hour, Jesus cried out with a loud voice saying, “Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachthani.” This means — “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me”?

At that time, God the Father turned his face away from his Son Jesus, because Jesus became sin:

God the Father refused to look at Jesus, because he became sin: (Why, did Jesus become sin? So you and I would not have to and so we could have everlasting life with him:

After Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection, he once again became God the Fathers Son because through Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection, life entered back into Jesus and he was —As we say” “Born again.”

Now he is once again — the Son of God: Jesus did all of the above so we would not have to:

My question is this — Why would a born again Christian want to act like a sinner once he made Jesus Lord and became born again? (Born again without having to go to the agony Jesus did on the cross)

When I see or hear this happen,(people acting like sinners — cussing, drinking booze, getting drunk — it does not make me want to know who Jesus is, it does the opposite!

Why would I think that being a chameleon would entice a sinner to come to Christ???

Now, let me say this — it takes more than acting like the devil to get out of being a Christian, but what I am saying is — You cannot be a light to show the way to Christ — when those who are sinners see there is no change in you?

You actually will win people to Christ when you live, act and talk like Christ: You will win more people to Christ speaking Christ’s language than you will by talking devil talk:

Let our spiritual candles glow with the light of Christ, everywhere we go:

Let’s do an about face and show who we are every moment, everyday and in every act and speech of who we really are after accepting Jesus as our Saviour:


For more of my teaching, go to

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