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Writer's pictureBill Lear

Just as I am


There used to be billboards around the town I grew up in that said, UNCLE SAM NEEDS YOU. Advertising those who were of age to join the armed forces:

Well, God has said the same thing: GOD WANTS YOU” “He wants you to come to him, just as you are: He is not asking you to be perfect or to put a tie, suit or a pretty dress on! He wants you Just as you are!

There is a song written by Charlotte Elliot and William Bradbury, called “Just as I Am”.

Verse 1: Just as I am, without one plea, But that thy blood was shed for me, and thou bid me come to thee, O Lamb of God: I come! I come!

Verse 2: Just as I am and waiting not to rid my soul of one dark blot, To Thee whose blood can cleanse each spot, O Lamb of God, I come, I come!

Verse 3: Just as I am, tho tossed about with many a con-flict, many a doubt, Fighting’s and fears within, without, O Lamb of God! I come! I come!

Verse 4: Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind, light, riches, healing of the mind, Yea, all I need In thee to find, O Lamb of God, I come, I come!

Verse 5: Just as I am – thou will receive, wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve; Because Thy promise I believe, O Lamb of God, I come! I come!

Notice that throughout all of this song they are bringing out that there is nothing special you have to do or there is not a special gift you must bring or there is nowhere that says, you must have the correct words or speech, but all throughout this song, it says, “Just as I am!”

You see, God does not expect you to be dressed in a certain way or change your language or first quit drinking alcohol! No, it says to come as you are:

Now, that speaks volumes to me of how much God loves everyone no matter who they are or how they dress or talk: All he wants is for all to come to him:

His love is so deep and wide towards man-kind, that the human mind cannot comprehend the true love he has for all of man-kind: When I say us here, I am not talking about those who are perfect or never sinned, For in Matthew 17:28 K.J.V. --- Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest:

Look at this verse again, is there anywhere in this scripture that says, you must change your ways or what you do or dress a certain way before you come to him? No, he is basically saying to come to him just as you are:

You see, his word will change you to be what he wants you to be, after you accept him as your Lord and Savior: It does not even tell you that you must be of a certain color or race! He said plainly, come unto him all!

I have seen things , in churches I have been in , throughout my life, where people who weren’t dressed just right or who had their hair combed/brushed wrong or not at all, ladies whose hair wasn’t long enough or rolled up in a bun be frowned on as if they shouldn’t come to church until they clean up their act, dressed right etc. (What is the difference in a woman who has her hair cut or has long hair, but rolled up in a bun?

No, Jesus said come! That is all, Come! In, other words as this song brings out, come as you are, not begging or pleading, just come unto him:

Now, after you come unto him as you are and accept him as your Lord and Savior, you will want to change yourself: You will want to set your love to be just like him! You will find yourself loving other people as they are and welcoming them, just as they are:

It all takes time and I will say this, “It takes diligence as well!” Through time of studying his word and spending time in his presence, you will feel joy and see great things change in your life: Your speech will change, your life style will change:

What I am saying does not mean that you will not slip up and let the old self come out; but if that does, then just as forgiveness and go on: He is quick at forgiving:

For years after I was saved and filled with the Holy Spirit, I would still let what people said about me, anger me, but now I don’t care what people say: I just praise God and bless them with the word, prayer and love of God:

Do things still try to bring out the old me? Yes, but I am quick at asking forgiveness when I do! You know what Jesus does when I repent, for my attitude, he just smiles and calls me his child and friend:

Just come as you are!



Just as I am

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Bill Lear
Bill Lear
Jan 02, 2020



Ginny Schmucker
Ginny Schmucker
Jan 01, 2020

Love this


Bill Lear
Bill Lear
Dec 31, 2019

That is very true thanks


Dec 31, 2019

Really great Bill. If we all had to get clean enough first none of us could have made it. He is so good to us!

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