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Writer's pictureBill Lear

Just talk to him!


Verse 1: I once was lost in sin, but Jesus took me in, and then a little light from heaven, filled my soul; It bathed my heart in love and wrote my name above, and just a little talk with Jesus made me whole:

Verse 2: Sometimes my path seems clear, without a ray of cheer, and then a cloud of doubt may hide the light of day: the mists of sin may rise and hide the starry skies, But just a little talk with Jesus clears the way:

Verse 3: I may have doubts and fears, my eyes be filled with tears, But Jesus is a friend who watches day and night: I go to Him in prayer, He knows my every care, and just a little talk with Jesus makes it right:

Chorus: Now let us Have a little talk with Jesus, let us tell Him all about our troubles, He will Hear our faintest cry and He will answer by and by; Now when you feel a little prayer wheel turning, and you know a little fire is burning, You will Find a little talk with Jesus makes it right, it make it right:

I want to say to you today, that we need to be talking to Jesus daily, even if it is a little at a time, or in between one need or another or between our times of break from work:

I will give you one even better: We can talk to Jesus, anytime, anywhere: We can talk to Jesus when we are driving to or walking through a store or a mall or just out for a walk or a jog:

We can say a prayer out-loud or in a whisper, because he hears us:

Another way we can talk to Jesus is in the spirit! Praying in tongues is talking straight to the Father and Jesus:

You don’t have to be loud, or obnoxious, you can pray quietly as you move along your path, but the issue is to talk with Jesus:

There are people that think you must be really, really religious or be a priest or a minister to pray to God the Father or to the lord Jesus Christ! Remember, your prayers, need to be to the Father in the name of Jesus:

He is inside of you: He hears us when we pray in faith: Someone might say, I can’t pray good, I can’t find the right words to say! Well, prayer is just you or I, carrying on a conversation just like you do to a relative or friend:

I know you talk with your parents, brothers, sisters cousins or other friends, so let me tell you this, Jesus sticks closer than a brother or sister, because he (Jesus) lives in you: If you listen, he is talking to you all the time: Sometimes we don’t realize that he is talking, because we are to busy to listen or we got our attention on everything else instead of God or our lord Jesus Christ, but it is true, “Just a little talk with Jesus makes it right!”

You and I are so precious in his site, that his ears are listening for your voice:

God the father and Jesus our lord, hear every prayer in faith: Notice, every prayer in Faith: All prayers need to be spoken in faith, any prayer spoken outside of faith, he does not hear for he is a faith God, a faith Lord, yes he is real, but he walks and talks in the faith realm: We need to pray knowing that he will hear us when we pray!

Trust in him and know that he will not turn you down: Just remember, talk to him in Faith:

Faith believes rather you see it or not, that he hears you and will answer you:

Faith is not a maybe word or an I don’t know if he can word: No, faith words are words that you know he is listening:

Your Faith must be to the point that you know he hears and will answer: Just like when you prayed the prayer of salvation, he heard you and saved you that very moment:

I don’t like to use the word positive thinking, because there was a teaching that went around years ago, saying that faith was positive thinking. No, faith is a knowing that he heard and has answered your prayer:

God is a spirit and wants us to talk to him with Faith filled words, not with positive thinking:

· Faith knows he hears us:

· Faith knows he will answer us:

· Faith knows his answer will never be maybe or I will think about it, no, he will answer you:

Keep your faith strong in him and his word:


Faith words

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