Judges 2:1 --- The angel of the Lord went up from Gilgal to Bokim and said, I brought you up from Egypt and brought you into the land that I promised your Fathers. I said , I will never break My covenant with you, but you must not make a pact with the inhabitants of this land, and you must tear down their altars:
Now, God the Father is still telling us, that he will not break his covenant with us:
We might say or do something to break that covenant just as they did in the above scriptures, but he won’t break his covenant with us:
You might ask, “ How do I break this covenant?
· Disobedience = This really is the only thing that you could do to break the covenant on your side of the agreement:
There are many stories in both the old as well as the new testament that tells of the people breaking his covenant:
· Again, disobedience which is simply not doing what God asked or instructed you to do: It could be as simple and to talk to a certain person about him and you refuse to do so.
Note: You are not really breaking the covenant, the covenant always stands, but your unfaithfulness or dis obedience puts a barrier between you and God and your prayers or desires go unanswered.
It will make you feel like you lost God and lost his presents, but really there is now a barrier between you and the Father.
Again, The covenant is never broken on his side, he will always make a way to talk to you and get you back into fellowship with him:
Today’s time, we don’t talk covenant talk much: We more/less call it falling out of fellowship with him:
When you are out of fellowship, the promises are always there, but we , because we broke fellowship, don’t receive the promises of God:
These promises are always there, to receive, but without faith, it is impossible to please God.
Hebrews 11: 6 --- But without faith, it is impossible to please him; for he that cometh to God, must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him:
Note the word diligently! It gives this meaning = Having or showing care and conscientiousness in one’s work or duties: This is the same definition as diligent:
Again, God will never break the covenant or promise, but a lot of times we don’t receive because we were not diligent to do what God said:
All through the old testament, we see God’s children disobeying God’s commands; doing what they wanted too to do instead: (Does that sound about the same today)?
Doing what we want to do instead of doing what he wants!
There are some Christians that hear instructions from the Lord and just flat do not do what he said: This action is disobedience and your faith will not work until you repent:
The word fellowship means --- 1) Friendly association, especially with people who share ones interests: ( my in-put here, we need to be sharing Gods interests):
2) A group of people meeting to pursue a shared interest or aim:
3) A guild or corporation
4) The status of a fellow of a college or society:
Staying in fellowship requires daily prayer and conversation with God as well as reading and studying his word:
I tell you that it is and must be a daily thing, not just when you go to church on Sunday:
You must set time during you daily schedule to just simply read the word and talk to God the Father:
We sometimes want big things from God, which is okay, but are you spending time with him?
This lifestyle cannot be a here and now thing or something we do when you think about it: You can pray and talk to God as you clean your house or when you go to the store or going out to eat or going to work and at work:
Spending time with God, should not be a drudgery, but a joy to fellowship with him:
Think about your tithe, a tithe is 10% : Well, you need to sow 10% of your earnings with God, but you also need to sow at least 10% of your time, even more but at least 10% just talking to him:
Treat him as your best friend, just simply talk to him: There is not a need for any other word or name, just say, heavenly Father or Father God and you have his attention, then end your prayer or talk with, in the name of Jesus:
I do this when I pray or just talking to him, I do it when I am walking from one room to another or out mowing the lawn or at work: JUST TALK TO HIM:
He is waiting for you and listening:
For more of my teaching, go to: williamlear.org

Thanks for reading