Keep your eyes on the mirror. You might ask, what mirror are you talking about? The mirror that I am talking about is the word of God: The word of God should and will reflect like a mirror, who you were created to be, not what you see in the natural mirror, but the spiritual mirror which is the word and life of God:
We may see ourselves getting older every day: We might see every flaw or scar that were got over our lifetime: We might even see in the mirror the black eye someone gave us, but the mirror I am talking about is the word of God! This mirror does not show any flaws: It shows the reflection of what was done to you through Christ:
The word of God, is the mirror that we need to see ourselves in. It reflects who and what we are in Christ: The word of God will not reflect our flaws or short comings, but the true you: Who you are in Christ! You will see yourself the way God sees you instead of what you see in the mirror in the bathroom as you get dressed:
The word of God is that mirror that I am talking about and the image in that mirror of the word is how God sees us:
God never sees us as an old hag! He never sees us as a beggar, He never sees us as a cripple or a worthless piece of trash:
God looks in that mirror and sees us as the righteous created in him that he made us into: We are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus who is our Lord!
2 Corinthians 5:21 --- God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
Focus our eyes on how God sees us not how we see ourselves: A mirror is a reflection of what is standing or sitting in-front of it:
When in doubt of who you are, return to the word of God and see who you are in Christ:
It is very important to look at the word of God, on a regular basis, not every now and then:
In the natural, do you ever forget what you look like and run to the big mirror in the bathroom to see what you look like?
No, you have looked in the natural mirror so many times that, that image is embedded into your memory:
You look in the mirror to wash your face, to brush your teeth, to comb your hair or to make sure you didn’t put your clothes on backwards:
Looking in the mirror of God’s word should be a daily thing, not an every now and then thing:
This lesson kind of goes with another message I put our recently, but these words need to be said again:
The mirror of the word, is who we really are, not a nobody, but a somebody: If you look in the mirror and only see failure or defeat, go back to the word, and find out what your mirror should be reflecting:
Sometimes it is your mouth that changes that image of who you are in Christ Jesus:
Don’t let others define who you are. You will always be surrounded by negative thoughtless people who gets joy out of destroying someone’s faith in God and his word.
If someone tells you that you are dumb or you aren’t smart or even say to you, you don’t look so good today. These words are not who you are in Christ:
You might say, well, I really don’t feel well today, maybe it is showing on my face or in my actions, so even though sometimes you see yourself in a different mirror other than the word of God, stop and say, no! That is not what the word says and take yourself by the hair of your head and say, Bill, John, Mary or what ever your name is and say, get yourself back on track and look in the mirror of the word and see how your image changes:
You say, but it is a lie if I say I am healed when I feel sick, Yes in the natural state of mind that is true, but if you speak by faith what the word says you are instead of what you see or feel in the natural, you will see things change:
Call yourself healed, call yourself financially set, call yourself delivered from drugs and other bondage's even though you don’t feel that way:
Look again in that mirror of the word and focus on what and who it says you are: Jesus set you free the moment you accepted him as your Savior:
Realize this and get it down inside of you --- You really are what you say you are! You are not what others say or the enemy says you are or what you look like: “Say no, regardless of what they say, I am every bit of what the word says I am: I am the righteousness of God, I am victorious, I am walking daily in his light and his word: I am who God says I am:”
Remember: Jesus is Lord!
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