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Writer's pictureBill Lear



2 Corinthians — 3:2-4 — You are our letters written in our hearts, known and read by all men: For you are prominently declared to be the letters of Christ, prepared by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone, but on human tablets of the heart:

We should be letters written to others: The people you see daily should see Christ in your daily actions and talk:

Our lives should be open windows for the gospel of Christ to be seen by all:

My Dad used to tell us kids, that our actions speak louder than words: In other words, you might say one thing, but how you act says another:

You might say to someone that you love them, but your actions say that you don’t!

Sometimes the words — “I love you”’ become spoken but not really meant:

Because you are in Christ, your words should be true expressions of who God and Jesus is: Your words ought to be calling people to Christ, not tearing them down:

You need to stop being a Christian who, depending on who you are around or with, — one moment to one person you talk about Christ and what he did — and out of the same mouth, you cuss up a storm to someone else:

You must understand, that when you are using cuss words, you are on the devil's territory and he becomes your god:

If you are wishy washy in your speech and actions, you will not be a servant of God!

Revelations 3:15 — I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot:

Verse 16 — So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold or hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth:

You see from the above scriptures that God wants you to be the same, no matter who you are talking with or who you are around:

This is why a lot of people say — “the word does not work!” Well, look at what you are doing:

The wishy, washy person is confusing the person who wants to learn more about Christ:

Rather you realize it or not, people watch and listen to you:

As I said before, in other words — You cannot lead someone to Christ if you are wishy washy: Someone might say, well If I say a few cuss words they will side with me and listen — No! No! No! — God the Father and Jesus wants you all to be like him:

When we were created, we were created in his image, but through our talk and actions, we have become someone else:

We become a doctor jekyll and a Mr. Hyde: If you don’t know who that is, I am sure you can pull it up on youtube and see exactly what I am expressing to you:

Let’s just make sure we remain in Christ in our actions and our words:


For more of my teaching, go to: or

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