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Listen to His whisper

Writer's picture: Bill LearBill Lear

We sometimes miss the voice of God because we are listening for a booming voice, a harsh voice, a commanding loud voice, but God will not talk to you in those voices most of the time:

He speaks to us in a small still voice, one that is not intimidating, a voice full of love and compassion:

Some people feel a nudge and say God is nudging me to do this or that: Well, that is the way the Father God speaks to us:

We sometimes think and picture the God of the heavens with a hammer and bops us on the head when we make a mistake:

No! He speaks to us in a still small voice: get blogs from the Passion translation of the bible saying "Hear his Wisper". This is a good way of telling us what kind of voice we need to listen too:

A lot of people think (mostly due to some preachers) that God is up there with a big hammer, an illness, a disease and slams that on us when we disobey him or his word:

No! Don't listen to those so called preachers, they are not operating in the Spirit of God:

God does not use a hammer or a whip to teach us anything: Again, it will come in a still small voice or just a nudge:

You must understand that the God who created heaven and earth lives right inside of you: Yes, The very day that you accepted him as your Savior, he moved right inside of you:

That is why, when you act wrongly or speak hate words, you have a feeling that you did something wrong:

Well, that is the Spirit of God nudging you and telling you that what you did or said was wrong and not of him:

You might say, well, I have felt something like a knot in my belly when I did something wrong: Well, that is the Holy Spirit talking to you:

Another thing, the voice of God will do is, to help you in direction when driving: I have had this knot come up in my stomach area when I was driving and wondered what it was: Well, a couple of miles down the road, I found out what it was: It was the nudging of the Holy Spirit talking and telling me that I was lost because I did not listen to that still small voice that said don't go this way or that:

Think back in time and remember a time you felt a nudge or a quiet voice saying, "don't do that" or " Don't go that way"., and you ignored that voice and shrugged it off and found yourself lost or in a mess:

That still small voice will sometimes warn you about your husband, wife or a child or Grandchild or a friend and you wonder why you feel like your belly is all tied up in a knot: Well, listen and ask God and the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what is going on or he may want you to simply stop and pray in the spirit for them: When this happens, stop what you are doing and pray in the spirit: That obedience a lot of times, saves lives:

Be obedient to that voice and don't put it off: Someones life may be in need of your obedience:

Jesus said, many times, in the new testament "let those who have ears to hear, let him hear!"

When Jesus said this, he was not talking about the outer ear, on the side of your head, but he was talking about the ears of your spirit:

We need to be like a professional guitar or piano player and keep our instrument, which in this case are our spiritual ears, in tune:

Well, our spiritual ears need to be tuned up: How do we do that? By being quiet and just listen down inside us to the Holy Spirit and ask God to fine tune our spirits:

Study God's word and as you do, ask him to reveal his word too you: Sit quietly and listen and the more you do, the more clearly you will hear him:


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