James Rowe Howard E. Smith
Verse 1 --- I was sinking deep in sin, Far from the peaceful shore, very deeply stained with in, Sinking to rise no more, But the Master of the sea Heard my despairing cry, From the waters lifted me, Now safe am I.
Verse 2 --- All my heart to him I give, Ever to him I’ll cling, In His blessed presence live, Ever His praises sing, Love so mighty and so true Merits my soul’s best song, Faithful loving service too, To Him belongs.
Verse 3 --- Souls in danger, look above, Jesus completely saves, He will lift you by His love out of the angry waves. He’s the Master of the sea, Billows His will obey, He your Savior wants to be – Be saved today:
Chorus --- Love lifted me! Love lifted me! When nothing else could help, Love lifted me. Love lifted me:
All of the above was done, when Jesus went to the cross: It was love that drove him there:
You must understand that, the first humans created for earth, was created by love and his (God’s) desire to have fellowship with Adam and Eve on this earth:
His plan was to have humans on earth that would produce and bare others to continue that Love: Well, we know through scripture, what happened instead: Adam and Eve sold out to the enemy, the devil or satan himself:
Temptation is the word used to describe the downfall of mankind. He’s still tripping up Christians and sinners today, trying to get them into his doings:
Adam and Eve was tempted by the devil and his purpose was so he could be as God and also, dominate the world:
Adam and Eve, through this deception, lost all that was given to them, when they were created and sold us out to satan through their disobedience to God:
In Adam was everything that God was: In Adam was life reproducing power: In Adam was the same love that God had, and that is what God wanted to come forth through him, was the God kind of love:
In Adam was such peace that humans today never saw, nor have: In Adam, at creation, was life in abundance: In Adam was the ability to speak things into existence:
Well, God had to remove Adam and Eve from the garden, before they had a chance to destroy what God created:
God had to send his only begotten Son, Jesus, to bring too us everything he, God, placed in Adam:
This is why Jesus came to earth, was to redeem mankind: You might ask, well, if that was so, why aren’t we living that life?
1) It is not God’s fault we are not accepting what Jesus did:
2) We may not be speaking God’s word, or we are speaking what we think he is saying:
3) Learning faith does not happen overnight: It is a process: We must continue speaking God’s word out of our mouth until our spirits grab ahold of it, then faith will work:
Just know that it was love that drove Jesus to the cross: It was love that held him there: It was love that raised him from the dead and brought him out of hell:
It was love that lifted me! Now, how about you? Did love lift you? If it did, then you can now sing the song, I WILL SERVE THEE by William J. Gaither and Gloria Gaither. William J. Gaither
I will serve thee --- because I love thee --- You have given life to me – I was nothing – before you found me --- You have given life to me --- Heartaches --- broken pieces --- Ruined lives are why you died on Calvary, Your touch was what I longed for --- You have given life to me;
Remember: Jesus is Lord!
For more of my writings, go to: williamlear.org
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