K.E. Hewitt JNO. R. Sweney
Verse 1 --- More about Jesus would I know, More of His grace to others show; More of His saving fullness see, More of His love who died for me.
Verse 2 --- More about Jesus let me learn, More of His holy will discern; Spirit of God my teacher be, Showing the things of Christ to me.
Verse 3 --- More about Jesus in His word, Holding communion with my Lord; Hearing His voice in every line, Making each faithful saying mine.
Verse 4 --- More about Jesus on His throne, Riches in glory all His own; More of His kingdom’s sure in-case, More of His coming, Prince of Peace.
Chorus --- More, more about Jesus, More, more about Jesus, More of His saving fullness see, More of His love who died for me.
In todays world, as you look around and see changes, this song needs to be sung more and more: This world seems to be slipping away from God, almost moment by moment.
We as Christians, myself included, need to step up and preach the gospel as was in years past. Preach the gospel as if it will be the last message people will hear:
This is why I started the website williamlear.org! I heard on the inside of me, “The reason this world is in the shape it is in, is because we don’t sing the old songs anymore.”
You see, a lot of the old songs, spoke about him and his love for us! Giving praise to him on a regular basis is what he wants and what he is saying in these songs: It really is more, more about Jesus!
I mean all of my life, I heard people say there is no God, or I don’t want to hear about God, but today, it has got worse than when I was a kid:
This is why I was urged to have a website (williamlear.org) to load up old songs like this and teach on them: I have several on that website and as much as I try to not repeat myself, I find that my messages seem to say much the same thing: (Talking about the need of Jesus in our lives)
You see, this next song I put out is what I am trying to say and is what all Christians need to be saying :
The Longer I Serve Him, The sweeter He Grows
W.J.G. William J. Gaither
Verse 1 --- Since I started for the kingdom, Since my life He controls, Since I gave my heart to Jesus, The longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows, The longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows, The more that I love He bestows, Each day is like heaven, my heart over flows, The longer I serve Him the sweeter He grows:
Verse 2 --- Every need He is supplying, Plenteous grace He bestows, every day my way gets brighter, The longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows:
Chorus --- The longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows, The more that I love Him, more love He bestows, Each day is like heaven, my heart overflows, The longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows.
If he is not growing sweeter and sweeter, in your life, it is not his fault but yours: You are the deciding factor here as to how sweet he will grow within you. THE LONGER I SERVE HIM, THE SWEETER HE GROWS!
Notice, it does not say, the longer my preacher or neighbors serves him the sweeter he grows, but “The longer I serve him the sweeter he grows.” Your preacher or your neighbor talking about him all the time, blesses them and God wants to bless you as well!
Everyday, we need to know more and more about Jesus: Every day, we need time just to spend with him in order to know him more:
Spending time with him does not necessarily mean we have to stop what we are doing and go to a closet and be with him (even though that is good if you do) but you can be cleaning house, mowing grass or doing your job at work and spend time with him:
Praying in the spirit is a good way for you to get to know him, you can mutter a prayer in tongues or speak the word of God by just as much as a whisper and getting to know him more and more:
I used to do that on the job, as I did my job, I would pray in the spirit or say a scripture verse over and over, or I would say, Father God, I love you and thank you for coming into my life: Thank you for saving me and making me whole:
You see, you are spending time with him as you do your job and you would be surprised how fast your shift seems to fly by when you do your job with praise on your lips:
The longer I serve him the sweeter he grows: He desires to bless you, but he will not until you invite him into your life: If the only time you talk to him is when you are in the middle of a crisis, no wonder he does not answer your prayers:
Folks, he will talk to us if we talk to him and listen! He wants your fellowship more than you realize:
He is not asking for hours upon hours in his presence, (even though that is good) he is just wanting you to talk to him:
I look at this like I do for my children and grandchildren, I love them much and know they love me and miss then when they don’t come around, but I love to talk to them and them talk to me.
I talk to my 13-month-old grandson and say, “I love you Jaxon” When I do, he looks up at me and smiles: Even though he is not talking yet, he understands and his smile answers back to me:
In today's world all we have to do is pick up our cell phone and get someone’s number pulled up and send them a message. Well, all we have to do with God or Jesus is just say Hi father God, or Hi Jesus, I love you. ( Guess what, when you do that, you are face timing Jesus or God the father, for they see you when you talk to them and you feel their presence:
Use the Bible as your cell phone to God, Just start reading him scriptures from the Bible and he will answer you:
Life with God, truly is more, more about Jesus! The more we brag on him and the more we thank him for what he has done, the more love he bestows on us, so take time with him and pray, speak or sing praise songs as you go about your day and see what happens:
For more of my teaching go to: williamlear.org
Thanks for reading