Dwelling on the negative dilutes the faith in God’s word and promises: We cannot be negative and positive at the same time:
Neither can we be like a see/saw and be up (positive) one day and be down (negative) the other:
If we want to fulfill God’s promises for us, we need to stay away from the see/saw:
If you study the word of God, you will see that those who were strong in faith and the word, may have started out on the see/saw but quickly gave that up and got on the positive, uplifting side of life:
When I was in high school, we had a coach that hung two ropes from the beams on the ceiling: He would grab one rope with his left hand and one rope with his right hand, then he would climb up to the ceiling using his arms only:
He would grab a rope with each hand and as he did, he would quickly grab the other rope with his left hand then pull himself up and as he did, he would grab the other rope with his right hand and pull up again. Each time he did this he would go higher and higher until he reach the top (his goal):
He did not use his legs, it was pure arm strength : That was pure strength, but my point is he would not have got to that ability if he stayed with the see/saw effect: If he would have done the see/saw effect, he would have been going up and down never reaching his goal which was the top of the ropes:
I will add this, when he reach the top, he hung there for a little bit then he came down the same way that he went up:
That scene was when I was in 9th or 10th grade, which was years and years ago, but that has stuck inside of me and I would think about it from time to time:
In the Faith walk, it takes the same type of determination to reach your destiny: It was by pulling yourself up and by staying off of the see/saw:
I look at different, successful ministers and notice the ones who are strong in faith, stayed off of the spiritual see/saw and used brute (spiritual) faith strength and climbed to the top of the faith walk:
Reaching this kind of spiritual strength is not easy and takes a lot of determination as was with those coaches I mentioned above:
This determination will also work for you in the natural desires as well: Determination will eventually get you to where you desire to be:
My Dad used to call this determination (a stick to it) syndrome: He always said, Son you must “stick to it” if you want to do something: However, when I was young I would give up before I conquered whatever I was trying to conquer:
I left discouragement rule me and I would quit, then afterwards I would start over again, but soon would find myself back on that see/saw again:
There was a second coach in our class who was much like the first, this one would climb up one rope using his arms only, then after reaching the top, the other coach would swing another rope toward him and he would grab it with one hand, holding one rope in his left and one rope in his right hand, then he would stretch out his arms in different directions and hang like that for a while: They called it the iron cross, well that was another time I was amazed of pure strength:
When we are standing on the word, we have plenty of times and reasons to give up and quit:
These coaches showed that we too, could reach the same goal as they did and was with persistence or like my Dad would say, “sticktoittiveness”
Persistent faith will always cause you to reach your destiny: Those coaches, I am sure had a lot of slips and falls --- trials of defeat until they conquered those failures and completed their desired results:
I encourage you today, to be so persistent with your faith, that you reach the top of your faith ropes, hold yourself there, strong in the Lord and in the power of his might:
Ephesians 6:10 says --- Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might:
You see, those coaches had to build up that power for them to do what they did, but we as Christians have the word of God to enable us to have the strength and ability to reach our goal:
For more of my teaching, go to: williamlear.org