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Writer's pictureBill Lear

Negative speech and small thinking


What you say is what you get! Over the years I have heard words being said that the word of God does not work!

Well, I am here to tell you that his word does work: You might say or ask, why don’t it work for me?

A) What are you saying daily or consistently?

B) What do you actually believe?

C) Speaking God’s word is like planting a garden, it takes a lot of preparation before a garden is ready for planting:

1) Find a good piece of ground where it will have plenty of sunshine, rain and nutrients!

2) Till the ground until all the clumps of sod are broken up and the soil is loose: Hard soil like clay will not produce good plants, and the same with a hard spirit, it will not produce God’s word as good as good soil should. It will produce weeds and thorn bushes instead.

3) Purchase good, healthy plants and plant them at the proper depth into that good soil: plants are like people, they like good food.

4) The garden must have the right amount of moisture, not to much to drown them but enough to nourish them.

5) The garden must have sunshine and some shade as well:

The garden of your spirit needs the same thing: It needs the proper words from God’s word, not what you heard others say God’s word says, but what you read and spoke yourself:

Have you ever received good fruit from your garden based upon what someone else said about how well their garden was producing? No, what someone else’s garden did is by their preparation and care they gave to the soil and plants!

It is the same with spiritual ground producing gardens: Your spiritual gardens will not produce good fruit because someone else spoke words of truth and life over their spiritual gardens: No, your spiritual gardens must receive it nutrients from the word of God that you speak from your heart, out of your own mouth:

You see, it is your eyes, ears and mouth that will till, plant the seed and keep it watered:

I can pray with you and agree with you that your spiritual garden will grow and produce good fruit, but when it gets down to the nitty gritty, it is what you speak or say out of your mouth what is in your heart:

Now, it is good to listen to others who have a good spiritual garden, producing great fruit but use that as fertilizer and speak it out of your own mouth and heart in order to produce good fruit:

You see, when I plant my vegetable garden in my yard, I find a person who is successful in gardening and producing much fruit and vegetables, take their ideas and use them or apply those ideas to mine, but notice, I must be the one to take those ideas and use them on my garden:

Just because he or she told me how and what to do or use, will not activate or make my garden produce until I apply it:

God’s word is and has the best instruction for growing a super abundant life-giving garden, but you must apply it to exactly how God’s word says for it to be used:

How many of you have been given instructions on how much fertilizer or water to put on your vegetable gardens, but ignored those instructions or forgot them and then wondered why your garden did not produce the crop you expected?

Well again, it is the same for spiritual growth, it takes you putting the word to work by speaking what the word of God says, not what you think it says or what someone else has said:

No, go to the manual yourself, look at and read the instructions with your own eyes and speak the words of Gods fertilizer and sunshine and water on your spiritual garden and see what it grows: You will find out, that what you say, you will get!

You will see as you read the word of God, that those who spoke what God said, they received exactly what God said they would receive:

Your words are very important to your spiritual growth: your mouth and spirit must agree, and it will produce exactly what you believe in your heart and speak from your mouth:

REMEMBER: Jesus is Lord!


Negative speech and small thinking limits God!

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Bill Lear
Bill Lear
Dec 27, 2019

Thanks for reading


Dec 26, 2019

Good good stuff right there!

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