Years ago, I watched an on-going movie who starred Walter Brennan called No Brag Just Fact
I am only using the title of this movie for my message today: No Brag, just fact!
It is no brag, just fact that when I accepted Jesus as my Savior, I became a child of his: I cannot brag, because Jesus did all of the work, all I did was obey the word of God and did what he said.
No brag, just fact that all of God’s promises belong to me! No brag just fact that healing of my body came through the fact that Jesus died on the cross for me:
No brag, just fact that in all that Jesus did through his death, burial and resurrection all that he is and has belongs to me:
No brag, just fact, that when I accepted Jesus as my Savior: The only thing I had to do to inherit this promise was to ask Jesus to come into my heart (spirit, the inner man) :
No brag, just fact that my sins were washed away, never to be remembered anymore:
No brag, just fact that I am living long and strong, because of what he (Jesus) did on the cross:
If you are one that has made Jesus Lord of your life, then, it is no brag, just fact:
He did it all for you! He made it easy, by giving you a choice: He gave every person born or yet to be born a choice and left it up to you to decide:
God is not a pushy God, he provides it for you, sets the table and it is up to you to eat of his promises:
Think about when you were a child, your Mother cooked meals, set the table and said come and eat: Much like the Savior, he set the table and said come and eat!
Now, when you were too little to feed yourself, your parents would put food in your mouth for you, because you weren’t mature enough to feed yourself, but they could not make you swallow that food: You had to make the choice to swallow or do without!
Sometimes they would coax you to swallow, but still you had to do the job of swallowing:
Sometimes they would slip some food that you did not like, into food that you did like because that food was good for you:
In Christ, all the food he has to offer is good to the taste and easy to swallow. All we need to do, is shut our natural minds off and partake of his generosity:
Jesus paid a huge price for you in the fact that he went through that horrible punishment, of being tormented, hit, slapped whipped, and nailed to a rugged cross:
If you think about all Jesus did for mankind, ask yourself if you could have or would have done that for someone else: The answer to this is no, you could not, but Jesus was willing to do so:
Love, such great immense love, drove him to do all he did for us and just think, all we have to do is simply accept it all:
Not scars, no holes in our sides, no crown of thorns slammed into our heads, no mocking at or being laughed at: No, just simply say, Jesus, come into my heart, cleanse me and make me whole: ( I will say this, if you are laughed at because you made Jesus Lord, just shrug it off and know the life you now live is for eternity and no one can take it away from you):
I sometimes wonder why some people think it is to hard to accept Jesus as their Savior, and do what he asked us to do, but at the same time, freely follow the devils wishes or wants:
One decision will take you to heaven and give you life eternal, a life of bliss, a life of eternal victory (which is where you will be when you die).
The other decision will take you eventually to hell and live forever in torment, sickness agitation etc.
To me, that is not a hard decision at all: Sin is just for a moment of pleasure on earth, but a life of torment in hell forever:
Life in Christ is eternal and will never be taken a way from you: A life of love and grace, a life of abundance and bliss: A life where there will be no sickness or poverty:
Which are you choosing? Life? Or Death?
No brag just fact that I am enjoying my life here on earth, I am blessed in every way, I will (at the end of my life on earth) be living a blissful life, No brag, just fact:
If you are one that has not made Jesus Lord of your life, it is very simple! Just say, dear Jesus, I ask you to come into my heart right now: I desire to make you Lord of my life and receive all that you have for me: I thank you that I am now born again and on the path to receive all you have for me, including eternal life:
You might ask, is it that easy? Yes! Just that easy!
Enjoy your life with him:
For more of my teaching go to: williamlear.org