“The mouth = The avenue for a blessing or a curse!” I want to talk to you in this lesson on the mouth and what it is used for:
Blessing or Cursing --- Which way will or should it be? I have mention things like this before in previous lessons, but feel it needs to be taught again: The mouth and tongue play such a role in our faith walk: Our mouths and tongues cause us to excel in faith or excel in failure:
It all comes down to dealing with the way we talk: I would like you to take time and go through the Bible, starting with Genesis and see how faith works:
You will notice right off, with the first book of the Bible, that God himself created everything by the words he spoke:
Genesis 1: 3 --- And God said, in 1:6 --- and God said; 1:9 --- And God said, 1:11 --- and God said, 1:14 --- and God said, 1:20 --- and God said, 1:24 --- And God said, 1:26 --- And God said, 1:29 --- And God said:
Notice that is in every passage that it said, “And God said”: Something was created:
I want to add this to the teaching: Everything you say, will create or destroy! It all depends on you and what you say:
Another point I want you to notice: Everything was first of all on the inside of him (God):
He had a picture of what he wanted to create on the inside of him and we need to have a picture of what we want to create on the inside of us, before we speak:
That is where faith is and how faith works: First there must be a picture on the inside, then you speak it into existence:
Now notice, after it says, “ and God said”, it would also say, “ And God saw it was good: In other words, he had to have a picture in his spirit of what he wanted to create!
Three areas here are very important:
1) Get the dream on the inside:
2) Speak it with your mouth:
3) See it appear with your natural eyes:
You will never see it with your natural eyes until you get it in your spirit and speak it out with your mouth: (Words Create)
The best book of the Bible to better explain what I am saying is, James --- Look at James 1: 2-8 --- Notice it talks about asking and receiving:
Verse 5 says --- If you lack wisdom let him ask of God:
Verse 6 --- Says, let him ask in faith:
Verse 8 --- A double minded man is unstable in all his ways: Why is it that if you think two ways, it brings failure?
Because of the mouth! Your mouth will speak out the strongest thoughts: Now I say thoughts, because everyone relates to the mind, but really, you mind will think one thing and your spirit (Alive in God and his word) will speak another:
Your spirit will bring out the things of God, where the mind will bring out the natural things or things of nature:
That is why we need to have a renewed mind! If your mind is renewed to the word, then it will think the word: If it thinks the word, then what comes from the mouth is faith:
James 1:8 --- It is saying that a person that has one thing on the mind of the spirit and another on the natural mind, which is unstable:
Verse 6 says --- He wavers (talking about the natural mind) He waves like the waves of the sea and driven with the wind and tossed: You constantly bounce back and forth between the thoughts of the spirit and thoughts of the mind:
That is why, the renewing of the mind, is so important: Putting your mind and spirit in agreement:
James 3: 1-13 --- Go ahead and look it up and read it, then return to this spot: Look at verse 3 --- We put bits in horses mouths so they will obey us: The bit, as small as it is compared to the horse, moves that horse in different directions:
Verse 4 --- (Talking about a ship) They put a small helm (rudder) on a large ship, but that small rudder will turn that big ship in the worst of storms: ( I am saying this, Your tongue will act like a rudder to turn your ship of life)
Verse 5 --- The tongue --- it is such a small thing, yet it does so much damage: It is small, yet it turns the course of life for each of us:
It is small, yet if let run, it will control and can and will destroy family and Friends:
A lot of friends and families have been completely destroyed because of the tongue:
You see, even Christians can fall into these things: They bear trash about a friend, family member, or a minister, instead of searching for the truth: They think with their natural minds, instead of their spirit and speak out their mouth what they heard: (Gossip!)
You say, Now you are meddling, Well, someone has to: --- There is too much back biting and backstabbing going on in the body of Christ: half of which is not true and started with a persons dislike or hatred for another: (It needs to come to a stop)
Verse 6 --- The tongue is a fire --- It does exactly what I spoke above, It destroys: What does it do? It destroys everything in its path: It shows no mercy: It takes on anything and everything:
Verse 8 --- The tongue can no man tame: It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison:
Verse 9 --- There with bless we God, even the Father; and therewith (or with the same) we curse the same) we curse men:
Verse 10 --- Out of the same mouth proceeds blessings and cursing:
Verse 11 --- Bitter and sweet water will no come from the same place: Faith and failure can not come from the same fountain: It will either be Faith or failure:
Verse 12 --- Can a fig tree bear olive berries? No! Go back to planting a seed teaching: If you plant corn you will reap corn: So, whatever you put into your mind and spirit, will bare fruit: Control the tongue and bless others instead of curse:
Control the tongue and walk in faith instead of failure:
Turn to Mark 11: 22-24 --- Like we said before, everything that was created was created through the mouth of God: He spoke what he believed in his heart:
Well, here in Mark, we see the same formula: Go through these verses 22-24 and count how many times it says say or saith: Notice, the faith of God, is speaking it out of your mouth:
Verse 23 --- Says to speak (Say) (Mouth) to the mountain (What you believe in your heart) tell it to be cast into the sea and because you spoke what you believed in your heart; the mountain is moved:
Verse 24 --- What things soever you desire, when you pray (How do you pray? You pray with your mouth) believe you receive them, and you will have them:
Mark said to have the faith of God! What is God’s faith? He spoke out of his mouth what he believed in his heart:
Notice something; God had it in his plan, he believed it, then he spoke it into being:
Notice here in Mark, he is giving you the same plan: Believe then speak what you have in your heart:
Turn to Romans 10: 8, 9 and 10 --- But what saith it? The word is nigh (near) thee, even in thy what? Mouth!
Remember our subject: What do we do? Bless or Curse with our mouth?
Back to Romans, and in thy heart (Notice the word is in two places (1) Mouth (2) Heart or the inner man or your spirit: that is, the word of faith, (what word)? = Cursing or blessing? Which we preach: Now what is the word of faith which we preach? Verse 9 --- If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shall believe in thine heart (spirit, that God hath raised him (Jesus) from the dead, thou shalt be saved:
Notice two important items to salvation --- 1) Say (with your mouth) (confess) what? 2) What you believe in your heart:
Verse 10 --- For with the heart (your inner man or your spirit) believeth unto righteousness; and with the (watch this, look out, mouth (what)? Mouth = confession (words spoken) is made unto salvation:
Here we see, that even the new birth depends on what comes out of your mouth: Faith? Or failure? Blessing? Or Cursing? What will it be for you? Will you bless or will you curse? Will you faith? Or will you doubt or fail?
Do you want more of God? Faith spoke out of your mouth what you believe in your heart, not what comes from your unrenewed mind:
Now, here we go with another item, Your mouth, when in time with your spirit, (heart) can bring health to your body:
Matthew 9:20 – 22 --- Woman with the issue of blood for twelve years: Notice verse 21 --- For she said what? “If I may touch his garment, I shall be whole!”
Here is a little sidestep --- She didn’t say, I might or I will like a change, she said (spoke with her mouth) I will be made whole: (Notice: She spoke her will or her desire: She believed something, she believed that if she could touch his garment, she would be healed! (She knew there was power flowing out of Jesus and into that garment he wore and if she touched just that garment, there was enough power to heal her: Also notice again --- She spoke it!
Verse 22 --- Jesus turned and saw her: Why? She did not speak loud enough for Jesus to hear with his ears, for verse 21 says, she said within herself : So, how did Jesus know that something happened? He heard it in his spirit and felt virtue (power) flow out of him:
Jesus hears words spoken in faith! Verse: 22b --- Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole:
Words of faith heals your body! Words from your mouth will bring life or death! One (from the spirit) which brings life and one (from the unrenewed mind) brings death:
Proverbs 18:21 --- Death and life are in the power of the tongue; and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof:
The tongue is a powerful force, it is a decision maker:
What kind of fruit will you bear with your tongue? “Blessing or Cursing”.
You see your tongue is the rudder for your ship; It guides it which ever way it goes: Follow blessings and wisdom and the tongue will guide you there: Follow cursing and ungodly things and the tongue will guide you there as well!
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