Rejecting what God promised, because it did not happen our way or the way we thought!
We have all done this at one time or another, but we must change our way of thinking if we want God’s promises to be in our life!
Let’s look at life as we grew up in the natural: How many failures did we have in growing up? We fell down how many times before we could walk without holding on or wobbling:
We fell how many times before we could ride a bike properly:
We fell many times when trying to learn how to ice skate:
How much water did you drink before you learned how to swim properly without sinking:
How many times did it take to learn how to drive a car or a truck:
Learning in life always had its ups and downs, but persistence always paid off. Determination, persistence, getting hurt, scratched up, was all a part of learning, but if you wanted to be great at what you desired, then persistence had to be the major key in staying on the track of learning.
I still at the age of 68 have not learned how to swim or roller skate, because I let the fear of falling on the ice or sinking to the bottom of the pool stop me.
I believe all of us have failure stories we could tell if we would be honest:
It is no difference when it comes to trusting God and his word: We go along and think we got it, then we fall: We get discouraged, because we saw others do it and we can’t:
Does that sound familiar in the walk of natural life? Like I said, I never learned how to swim or skate, because I let failure overrule the ability to learn:
You know what I noticed when I tried to put faith to work in my life? It was much like falling down or sinking to the bottom in trusting God and his word:
You have to put on my big boy or big girl britches and say, I can do this and I will:
You know, as I was helping my wife raise our two boys, there was a lot of ups and downs before they learned how to walk. There was wobbling in the legs as they tried to walk:
Sometimes, they would just get down on their knees because it was easier, and they did not fall:
We as the parents had to continue to say, come on you can do it: Show Mommy and Daddy what a big boy or what a big girl you are.
We had to encourage our boys to continue trying and guess what, one day they got up and walked across the room by themselves without holding on, then it was time to move on to the next step of learning in the life of a child:
Now both of our boys are raising their children and guess what, they must encourage them to get back up and try again:
God is no different than an earthly Father or Mother: He is patient and kind, never gets angry because we fell down: Never gets his stick out to hit us because we did not take our first or second step:
We can learn much about God and his word and his promises by looking back at our parents as we grew up.
My parents were always there to encourage me to keep at it. God the father, is no different, he is saying to you every time to fall or fail, get up, its okay I am with you and here to help you.
Back to me learning to ride my bike, I remember my Dad walking and running beside me with his arms out ready to catch me if I fell and I did many times.
How about you, how many times did you fall when you were learning how to walk or learning how to ride your bike? How many of you get a spanking because you fell down, None!
Some people feel like God is up there with a big stick to hit us with every time we fell:
No God is the biggest encourager there is, he is saying to you even now, come on, get up, I am here with you: I won’t let you get hurt, I will uphold you in this learning process:
Also, in learning in the natural life, it took persistence on your part. Had I been persistent in learning how to swim, I would have conquered the problem and who knows, may have become an Olympic swimmer!
I as well as you had to make the final choice in the natural life to learn or fail. There was no one that could convince me that I could swim. I rejected their promptings each time:
It is the same way with God, if you continually reject his promises he will let go until you make up your mind that you can do it.
Faith steps are the same as steps in the natural life: It will have its ups and downs until you can stand and walk by yourself:
You can be a quitter as I was in learning how to swim, in learning how to trust and believe God and his word:
I heard a minister say, “quitting is not an option”! This is the determination that you need: Tell yourself that quitting is not an option, but persistence is an option:
I want to be one to encourage you to walk on, don’t let the battles in life stop you from your desired destiny. Don’t let the enemy tell you that you can’t win: Don’t let the devil blow your light out, keep the candle burning until the job is done:
Like the song we sang as children, I won’t let satan blow my light out, I’m going to let it shine, don’t let satan blow it out, I’m going to let it shine, let it shine let it shine let it shine:
Say this, I will be faithful to God and put my trust in him: I am learning how to walk in his promises without wobbling: I won’t let satan blow my light out, I will let it shine, let it shine let it shine:
When you feel like you are wobbling in faith and you start to feel like you are going to fall, just say, here is my hand Jesus, take hold now and I wont fall:
Remember: Failure is not an option:
Remember: JESUS IS LORD!
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