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Writer's pictureBill Lear





Today I want to talk about who are we in Christ and what is the new birth?


Okay now what is birth into Christ ?

A) Born

B) Into

C) Righteousness

D) Through

E) Him

The moment we accepted Jesus as our Savior, we were born over again: We were first born into this world through natural means: Second is that we were born into Christ through him by accepting him (Jesus) as our savior: One birth into this natural world through natural human means but born again into Christ:

A little side sentence to look at and consider: You cannot be born again as we talked about above without first of all being born in the natural:

The first man and woman was created by God himself out of the dust of the earth. God gave Adam authority here on earth and told him to subdue it:

As you read through Genesis you can see the creation of Man-kind and how God made Adam from the dust of the ground, then breathed into him the breath of life: Then God took a rib out of Adam and created Eve (his wife): Man was to rule this earth and the woman was to be by his side and rule the earth together.

That would have created a great place to live, but Eve let herself be tempted by satan and through that temptation we had to be reborn in order to get the rights back that was given to Adam:

Now, in order for mankind to be reborn, Jesus the Son of God had to come to earth and die a horrible death to bring mankind back to the standpoint of how God planned for us to live when he created Adam.

Jesus was born in order to redeem mankind from Adams fall and obedience to Satan: You might say, it was Eve that took of the first bite and then turned and gave it to Adam who ate of the fruit as well:

This is true, but Adam was told not to eat of that certain tree in the garden, it was Adams place to tell Eve not to eat of that fruit:

Through this disobedience of God, he (Adam) set into motion what we see in this world today (Sin that separated us from God): It was as I said earlier, Adams place to instruct Eve not to eat of that certain fruit: Now as you read through those scriptures you will see there was other fruit that they were permitted to eat and all would have been okay, however, because Eve did not know, Satan (who knew what would happen) was able to tempt her and cause her to take the first bite:

Through this one bite, it brought on the backbiting we see, it brought on spiritual death (which is separation from God) and all evil doings:

Again, had he (Adam) stood against the temptation of the devil, evil would not be in this world:

But because that did not happen, God had to set his Son Jesus to redeem mankind:

I am glad God the Father had another plan, aren’t you? He sent Jesus his only Son to die on the cross for our redemption:

Let’s look at Redemption: = Something that is being redeemed: ( That is a good definition)

Redeem = To get back, recover, as by paying a fee: To set free, ransom, rescue: To deliver from sin and its penalties, as by a sacrifice made for the sinner: To fulfill as a promise. To make amends for; atone or compensation for:

Webster says --- to look at rescue: Rescue --- To free or save from danger, imprisonment, evil, etc. To take (a person or a thing) out of legal custody by force:

I want to interject this; Jesus took us out of legal custody by force, freeing us from bondage or from the consequences of sin, or a reclaiming:

Webster: Uses the word ransom --- Implies the payment of what is demanded in order to free one held captive; Save :

Here in this teaching it was the life of Jesus God’s Son to be the ransom for our redemption:

Now, with all of that in mind, Adam sinned and put a curse on all of mankind and there was certain and sure death to man if something wasn’t done in order to redeem or bring us back to God:

Through Adams sin, he sold his birth right to the devil and turned man into the control of Satan:

Now, through redemption, God has redeemed us back to him: He rescued us from certain and sure spiritual death into life eternal:

How did he do this, through the giving of his Son’s life who is our redeemer: This was done through the birth, death, and resurrection of God’s son Jesus Christ:

This is why we are studying on the line of in-him; Who? In Christ ! For it is through Christ we are and have today and that is --- Life and Blessings:

Redemption is what brought to us to Christ: Romans 3:24 --- Being justified freely (rescued, redeemed, or set free) by his grace through the redemption that is In Christ Jesus:

Remember --- that redemption is the redeeming of or the rescuing one from danger, imprisonment, evil etc. That redemption was a cost which was a life for a life which was you and me:

I want you to realize that if a person is rescued, it is not at the cost of the person being rescued, but by the cost of someone else:

In our case, we were redeemed at and through the cost of the life of the Son of God (Jesus Christ):

Romans 8: 1&2 --- Notice the words “In Christ”. These scriptures are ours and to be claimed because they were given to us through the redemption of Christ:

Verse 1 --- There is therefore Now (present tense) no condemnation to them which are In Christ Jesus: who (we) walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit:

Verse 2 --- For the law of the spirit of life IN CHRIST JESUS, hath made me free from the law of sin and death:

You see, through the birth of Jesus Christ, we have redemption:

We were bought with a price and because of that, there is no condemnation to those in Christ: There is no need to feel guilty:

Don’t let the devil make you feel guilty because of the sin of Adam did or maybe a sin you have committed: Once you confess your sin to God and accept his forgiveness there is therefore, now no condemnation to those In Christ Jesus:

We were placed into the body of Christ through Christs death, burial and redemption:

Look at another thing that happened to us In Him: Romans 12:5 --- So being many are one body in Christ, and everyone members of one another: (This simply means that we are related (through Christ and the new birth, not through natural birth but through the new birth: Now, yes there is a natural relationship with your natural brothers and sisters, but through him you are spiritually related to other born again Christians:

I Corinthians 1: 2 --- We are sanctified IN CHRIST JESUS:

1 Corinthians 1:30 --- We are in him (In Christ Jesus)

1 Corinthians 15:22 --- We are all made alive In Christ:

11 Corinthians 1:21 --- We are established IN Christ and anointed through him:

11 Corinthians 2:14 --- We walk in victory (triumph) because of In Christ:

11 Corinthians 5:17 --- Made a New Creation in Christ:

11 Corinthians 5:19 --- God reconciled the world IN CHRIST

Galatians 2: 4 --- We have liberty IN CHRIST: ( Remember the scripture that said, he Christ, was sent to set the captives free?) We were , because of the sin of Adam, held captive by satan:

Galatians 3:26 --- Children of God because of Faith In Christ:

Galatians 3:28 --- Made one IN CHRIST:

Ephesians 1:3 --- Blessed IN Christ:

Ephesians 2:6 --- Raised together and made to sit together in heavenly places IN CHRIST JESUS:

Ephesians 2:10 --- We were made God’s workmanship IN CHRIST JESUS :

Ephesians 3:6 --- Made heirs through IN CHRIST:

11 Timothy 1:9 --- Saved and called with a holy calling IN CHRIST JESUS:

11 Timothy 1:13 --- Sound words are IN CHRIST JESUS:

11 Timothy 2: 10 --- Salvation IN CHRIST JESUS:


For more of my teaching go to

We were rescued

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Bill Lear
Bill Lear
06 feb 2021

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