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Writer's pictureBill Lear

Shut off the voice of the enemy!


There are many voices out there telling us what to do and not to do:

Some of these voices are positive and others are negative: All negative voices are directed by the devil to take us off course:

You might say, No! --- It was my Son or Daughter or it was your closest friend:

You need to know this, they were instructed by the enemy, through negative thoughts:

All negative thoughts are from the enemy (the devil) ! All positive thoughts come from the Lord and through the reading of his word:

I recently have had negative things said to me that were not true: I had two choices ---

1) To believe the negative words:

2) Command those negative words to leave your thought life (your mind) (not your spirit). Decide not to dwell on them: You must remember, once you are born again, the negative cannot come out of your spirit, because it is hooked up to God:

Every person in this world is either listening to the negative, which comes from satan or they are listening to the positive, which comes from the Spirit of God!

You might say, “I have had a lot of negative words said to me that really hurt me: Well, forgive and as I had to do --- decide what you are going to listen too!

Sometimes it is hard, especially when it comes from a family member or a close friend:

Believe me, what you dwell on the most, you will become!

If you believe those negative words long enough, you will start believing those words are true!

When you do this, you dive deeper and deeper into the negative (which is from the enemy) and is exactly where he (satan) wants you to be.

Choose to think on the positive (which comes from God through his word)

I will not say this is easily done, if I did, I would be lying to you: When this happens to me, I get into the word of God or listen to or watch a Godly minister preach and teach the word:

The more you dwell on the negative, the deeper you fall into the pit of depression or pity for yourself:

The more you begin to feel life is not worth it or you feel you have wasted your life up to this point: You can not let yourself get so low that you find yourself thinking, “I would be better off not being here or I just need to move away --- that will teach them a lesson! (Don’t kid yourself by punishing yourself for what others do)

No! That is not the answer! The answer is always in the word:

A lesson I learned many years ago: --- My Dad had a car that was built, so the positive post was the ground for the vehicle to work properly: Now, most vehicles are set that the negative post is the ground, but this vehicle was built the opposite:

Well, this on day it was cold outside and I had a coat on and after charging the battery, I set it in the car as I would for a normal setup:

I proceeded to hook the battery cables the way most normal cars are set to be and guess what --- As soon as I hooked the battery cables as a normal car, the battery exploded and thank God, the only thing the acid hit was the coat: I figured God shielded the rest of me)

That could have blinded me or killed me: I will tell you this, I never crossed the negative with the positive again: (Battery pieces blew out from under the hood and landed on the ground beside me)

Well, in life, still yet, we cannot mix the negative with the positive :

If you do that, even in the spiritual, you will get hurt badly:

You need to deal with the negative and hook it up to the right post as I should have on that battery:

Some of our problems in life are that we dwell too much on the negative instead of the positive and we blow up!

Philippians 4:8 --- Finally brothers and sisters, whatsoever is true, whatsoever is noble, whatsoever is right, whatsoever is pure, whatsoever is lovely, whatsoever is admirable --- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy --- think about such things! Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me --- put it into practice, and the God of peace will be with you:

If you follow the above instructions you won’t hook our life cables to the wrong posts of life:

I highly recommend purchasing a book by Joyce Meyer called --- “The battlefield of the mind”.

She gives a lot of insight to what God wants for our lives that will set us free:


For more of my teaching, go to:

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