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Writer's pictureBill Lear

Softly and Tenderly


Verse 1: Softly and tenderly, Jesus is calling, calling for you and for me, see on the portals He’s waiting and watching, watching for you and for me:

Verse 2: Why should we tarry when Jesus is pleading, pleading for you and for me: Why should we linger and heed not his mercies, mercies for you and for me:

Verse 3: Time now is fleeting, the moments are passing, passing from you and from me; shadows are gathering, death beds are coming, coming for you and for me:

Verse 4: Oh, for the wonderful love He has promised, promised for you and for me; Though we have sinned He has mercy and pardon, pardon for you and for me:

Chorus: Come home, come home, you who are weary, come home, Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling, calling, oh sinner come home:

I believe this song was written to both those who are born again, but have for one reason or another, have strayed away from God and let other things enter in: It may be and most likely is because of discouragement or because of what someone has said:

I believe this song was also written for those who have not accepted Jesus as Savior yet:

1: God is always watching and listening for his children’s voices to be talking to him and saying, Father God, I love and appreciate you! I am not here just to ask for just anything, I just want to say, thank you for sending Jesus to the cross, so that I have the right to eternal life forever after I leave this earth: While I am here, I choose to stay in your presence: I choose to worship you with all I do in speech and in action:

I will set myself to minister to those around me that do not know you as Lord and Savior: Jesus I come to you:

Sometimes we get so busy in our daily walk here on earth that we forget to spend time with you: I set myself to stop being selfish and just doing my own thing and changing my ways to put you first in all I do:

2: God is always calling those who have not made him Lord of their lives yet: You see, every human being came to this earth from God as spirits into the womb of a woman and took on the form of a human being; but the moment that spirit being enters into this world, they are not born again, because this is a choice, which God gave us all: Every person must make Jesus Lord if they want to live a prosperous and victorious life and go to heaven when they leave this earth:

This is why we (Christians) need to be doing our jobs and minister life to others the word of God, so they can come home to God and when they leave this earth, they will forever be in his presence:

We who are born again, are all ministers, rather you are licensed as a Pastor, evangelist or just someone who is in Christ: All Christians are called to minister life and restoration to others:

God is waiting and calling today for you to come to him in worship and praise: A lot of people, as I did at one time, are thinking that ministering salvation or healing or restoration should come through those who are licensed ministers, but that is not so!

We must do our part to bring many to Christ or return to Christ as possible, while we are here on this earth:

God is wanting and waiting for those who have strayed to come home as well, but we need to do our part in restoring those who for whatever reason have backslid as to say or back to their old ways of life, living discouraged or disappointed!

I encourage you and challenge you to do your part in bringing the strayed sheep back to God:

Your life and theirs matter!

Those who are reading this and have not made Jesus as Lord, repeat this prayer: Dear God in heaven, I bow before you in the name of Jesus, and ask you to come into my life today; I make you Lord of my life and desire to worship you the rest of my life; Amen!

For those who have accepted Jesus as savior but have strayed away for whatever reason, repeat this:

Dear God in heaven, I have strayed away from you, I now say that you are my Lord and welcome you back into my life: Strengthen me and help me to be the person you want me to be in Jesus Name Amen! REMEMBER: JESUS IS LORD! And FOR MORE OF MY WRITINGS GO TO:

Jesus is calling!

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Bill Lear
Bill Lear
Jan 16, 2020

Thanks for reading


Ginny Schmucker
Ginny Schmucker
Jan 16, 2020

Love that song, one of my favorites!

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