Sung by Alan Jackson
Verse 1 --- What a fellowship, what a joy divine, Leaning on the everlasting arms: What a blessedness, what a peace is mine, Leaning on the everlasting arms.
Verse 2 --- What have I to dread, what have I to fear, Leaning on the everlasting arms? I have blessed peace with my Lord so near; Leaning on the everlasting arms.
Chorus: --- Leaning, Leaning, safe and secure from all alarms, Leaning, leaning, Leaning on the everlasting arms:
During ruff times, it seems that we forget to lean on Jesus: We tend to look at the circumstances more or instead of, looking at Jesus and his word: It is easy to focus on the negative, the things going on around us, instead of getting in or going to the word of God or go to prayer and praise, to see what God is saying in the situation:
This year, 2020, so far has been a good example of what I am saying: Everywhere you turn, you hear about the corona virus: It is all over the news, on radio, Television, Newspapers, and mostly all of these places talk about:
As important it is to know these things, it is more important for us to turn our attention to God and his word:
I am not saying these things you hear on the news is not true, but if that is all we focus on, fear can set in and we start worrying or thinking, do I have this? What do I need to do if I do get this or that?
Well, there is one or more ways to come against this fear:
1. Prayer
2. Reading God’s word
3. Speaking the word of God out of our mouths
4. Nearness to God
5. Spending time in God’s presence through prayer and praise:
Prayer and praise are keys and motivators from God to overcome fear of any kind: Fear will eventually take your life or defeat you or cause unbelief: Praise and prayer will give you peace in the midst of the storm:
Another thing we can do during these times is to plead the blood of Jesus over ourselves and our families:
Pleading the blood puts a hedge of protection around you and your family and loved ones:
Now let me add this --- Pleading the blood is not begging God, it is saying the same thing over and over and to get ourselves in line with what God has already done for us. It is a calling on the covering of Jesus. Remember, he shed his blood for us!
You might ask, How do I plead the blood of Jesus?
1. You must learn what was done or completed in the shed blood of our Lord Jesus Christ:
2. He (Jesus) was slain, not only for our redemption but for us to live a glorious life while we are on this earth:
Hebrews 4:3 --- For we which have believed do enter into rest, as I said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world:
In God’s eyes, our redemption was finished from the foundation of the world: We just need to grasp a hold of this rest: Quit fretting and worrying, over the present things that surround us:
Place our rest in the words and works of Christ:
How do we do this?
1. By leaning on Jesus
2. By spending more and more time in his word:
3. By spending more time in not reading one or two scriptures, but actually taking time reading, studying the word along with looking up words and phrases in the concordance, like, Strong's concordance for example:
4. Spending time with God and his word, in prayer and praise:
5. Just talking to him like you would a friend or relative:
How many of us love to spend time with our families, our children, our grandchildren or work on a favorite hobby, like my Son --- Trains: We spending time with the creator is just as or more important than doing these natural things:
Spending time with the creator is an amazing word from the Lord: Just think about that for a while: Spending time with the creator: How much joy and excitement can that bring?
There is no friend or Pastor that I love to spend time with, more than spending time with the creator:
When we spend time with the creator, joy enters our hearts: Excitement takes over, joy takes over, happiness takes over: those things you have been waiting for will come into fruition:
Get excited about spending time with the creator: Look forward to each day that you get to spend time with him: Spending time with the creator, is spending time or actually Leaning on Jesus: Leaning on his everlasting arms:
For more of my teaching, go to: williamlear.org

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