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Writer's pictureBill Lear

The ground is waiting on your seed!


I have written on planting seeds before and cultivating your ground to produce a harvest:

I talked about making sure you plant good seed and that you need to cultivate in order to keep the weeds out:

Today’s message is “the ground is waiting for your seed”! I don’t care how well you prepare your soil, if you don’t plant a seed, you will get nothing but weeds:

The above works the same in the natural, as well as in the supernatural: Today we are speaking more of the supernatural, however it includes natural things you must do in order to reap a harvest as the word of God says we should:

I am now speaking from experience with this example: As I said before, the supernatural and natural operate the same way, you must dig up the weeds, you must fertilize the ground, you must cultivate on a regular basis in order to get a harvest:

I said this before that in the supernatural, you need to speak to your seed, however you need to speak and sing praises to God for the harvest you want!

When you plant a natural garden, you don’t stand there looking at the ground and saying come on, produce, why are you not producing? Why do I come out here every day and see nothing growing? Well let me ask you a question --- Did you plant a seed?

If you dig the ground up and fertilize and cultivate, but don’t put a seed into the ground, you will not receive a harvest:

It works the same with the supernatural:

· No word in, no harvest out

· No word spoken out of your mouth, No harvest

· No prayer, no harvest

· No faith in the promises of God, no harvest

· No praise, no harvest

All of the above are natural things you must do in order to reap a supernatural harvest:

Your mouth speaking what you believe in your heart is what will produce and bring to pass a great harvest:

I have said this in past teachings, but worth saying again! Your mouth and your heart are the deciding factors in receiving from God!

What is in your heart (spirit) is what will come out of your mouth and what comes out of your mouth is the product you have planted:

In the natural, if you plant corn, you will not reap peas, if you plant tomatoes, you will not get green, yellow or red peppers. It is all up to what you plant, if you plant potatoes, you will get potatoes:

In the supernatural, it works exactly the same way: You can’t go around grumbling all the time and say, well the word doesn’t work and expect a harvest:

When you one day sow a seed and say, according to the word I will receive a harvest of 100-fold return: But, when you don’t see it in a few days or a few weeks, you say, see there, the word of God is not true:

Again lets look at the natural --- You cultivate the ground, you fertilize the ground, you plant the seed or the plants and go out the next day and see no change or no fruit: Do you say, well I guess those plants or that seed is no good? No, you give it time, you cultivate around the plant, you water the plant you fertilize the plant and you rest because you know you will eventually receive a harvest:

Well the supernatural is the same way, it will produce exactly what you planted, but it takes time: You must cultivate the spiritual plant and water the plant by speaking positive words based upon the word of God out of your mouth:

You say, I have done this, and it hasn’t worked yet! Well, you need to believe God that it will and believe his word instead of what you see or feel in the natural: (If you can’t speak the word of God, keep your mouth shut): Your mouth is the digger upper of your spiritual fruit producing harvest:

You see, the seed of faith starts in the heart (the spirit), if it is not believed in your heart and you are not totally convinced that what you planted will come to pass, then you will not have what you say:

I just heard this inside of me --- Don’t switch gears! What happens in the natural and you are in your car moving forward and all of a sudden, you switch gears and shove it in reverse? Would you wonder why you had an accident? No, you would realize you did something stupid:

Well when you are moving forward in faith, don’t grab your faith gearshift and slam it in reverse: Keep your faith moving forward.

In 2016 I was diagnosed as a diabetic and told if I didn’t get it under control, I could die, or other things could happen as a result of it:

Well, I decided to mix faith with the supernatural and do everything I am told to do in the natural, like taking my medicine, eating better foods instead of junk foods, cut out sugars etc.:

I am doing great today, a lot of the symptoms have gone, some have stayed around, but I am not moving away from the word and say with my mouth, see there, the word does not work:

Your words are your seed, what you plant will produce: If you plant finances into a ministry, it will produce for you:

I plant a lot of seed into different ministers ministries as well as pay tithe to my church and I have not seen a large amount of money coming back to me, but my bills are all paid, I am out of debt, there is plenty of food in my house and I give food away, especially when I reap from my natural garden:

I can say, I serve a great God who has and will continue to supply for me, both in the natural as well as the supernatural:


For more of my teaching, go to:

What Kind of ground do you have?

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