The word of God
The above words are all included to make the umbrella of protection: In the natural, when you step outside and it is raining, you grab your umbrella, open it and hold it over your head. Why? To keep you dry, to keep from getting wet or even hailstones from hitting you:
Well, in the Faith walk there are things that will come and hit you, like doubt, reason, thoughts of well I don’t feel different etc.
We look at the circumstances and say, “Well, the word does not work.” In John 10:10 it says, The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy: I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full:
The thief is always the devil. But he disguises himself as pain or some sickness or a call from a negative friend or relative or something else, but the bottom line is that it is of Satan who is trying to stop the blessing of God in your life:
God sent his Son jesus to earth for your salvation; Healing; and prosperity: Why would God steal back what he already gave you, that would make him a robber of which he cannot be, because he is a giver and a true giver will not rob:
The above would make him an Indian giver, which an Indian Giver is one who gives things to someone, then when he leaves, he takes it back:
God has not, nor will he ever take back the gifts he has given:
There are storms in the faith walk that is much like the natural: In the natural, you might plan an outing or a trip to another state or country and all of a sudden, a big storm comes up: This storm comes to try to stop you from your plan:
As I said earlier, the devil will, throw storms against you in order to weaken your faith and throw you off course:
In the natural, have you ever set yourself to go somewhere and as you're driving, a big storm arises, Why? To try to get you off course: Well, the enemy will start storms in the spirit realm and try to get you off course:
Example: In 2016 I was diagnosed as a diabetic: Well, when I heard these words, it struck fear in me and voices were saying, “You are going to die, you won’t live much longer ect. “
I did not listen to those words, I recognized right away that these words was a storm brewing:
I went to the word of God and found healing scriptures on what Jesus did on the cross for me and healing was one of them:
During this time, as I was meditating on healing scriptures and watching faith ministers teach on faith, as I got close to time to go to bed, I got up and turned around to the radio and turned it on (I have gospel songs playing on the radio every night) Well, just as I touched the knob on the radio, I had a surge feeling move down my back and out of my tailbone: When that happened, I said “God, what was that?” I then heard these words, “ Did you not realize, I just gave you a new pancreas?” Well, of Course I started to praise God and give him thanks. Well as the days went on, I still had feelings in my body that was trying to convince me that I was not healed and did not receive a new pancreas:
I immediately started to quote healing scriptures over and over:
It is now 2021 and I am still speaking the word over my body, repeating those words that God told me, “Do you not realize, I gave you a new pancreas?”
I have seen my body change over those years, I had numbness in my feet that just disappeared and other signs and feelings that come from that disease disappear: I still go to the doctor for a check up and still take my home blood sugar test, but even though I do that, I do not let go of the promises of God and what he told me:
When I went to the doctor and got examined, he confirmed that (in the natural) I was a diabetic and put me on medication: Well, I continue to mix faith in the word and medication daily: I am noticing, thos diabetic symptoms are disappearing one by one:
I take a home blood sugar tests every month and was, at one time reading 127, but noticed it was coming down and the last on I took was 112:
What I am saying is, even though I still have symptoms, I refuse to give the devil a foot-hold and give up on God’s promises: I am daily giving thanks and I speak healing scriptures as well:
There is not a day that goes by that I don’t see changes in my body: Now, I said all of the above to encourage you to keep standing, keep speaking the word, regardless of what you feel: “Stay under the umbrella of Faith.”
There are instant healings and there are some that are completed over time:
My point is, Do not give up in the midst of the storm and stay under the umbrella of faith !
Regardless of what you feel, what the doctor says, or your readings tell you, Keep the umbrella of Faith over you!
Don’t let circumstances steal what you are believing for: Don’t let an accident ahead of you, stop you from reaching your goal or destiny:
In the natural, you wait until the accident is cleared or another path opens up, then you continue your travel:
Well, use the same analogy and keep your faith moving: Keep the Umbrella of faith up and you will see great results:
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