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Writer's pictureBill Lear

Can you see a hand on your life?

Updated: Oct 14, 2022


Verse 1 --- There is an UN-seen Hand to me, That leads thru ways, I cannot see, That leads thru ways, I cannot see, While going thru this world of woe: This hand still leads me as I go.

Verse 2 --- His hand has led thru shadows drear and while it leads, I have no fear: I know twill lead me to that home, where sin nor sorrow’s can come:

Verse 3 --- I long to see my savior’s face and sing the story saved by grace, and there upon that golden strand, I’ll praise Him for His guiding hands:

Chorus --- I’m trusting to the unseen hand, that guides me thru this weary land, and some sweet day, I’ll reach that strand still guided by that unseen hand:

Let’s look at some scriptures that will relate to this hand.

1 Samuel 12:22 --- for the Lord will not forsake his people for his great names’ sake, because it hath pleased the Lord to make you his people.

Hebrews 13:5 --- Let your conversation be without covetousness, and be content with such things as you have, for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.

Judges 2:1 --- And an angel of the Lord came up from Gilgal to Bochim, and said, I made you to go up out of Egypt and have brought you unto the land which I swore unto your father’s, and said, I will never break my covenant with you:

Now notice, go back 1 Samuel 12:22 --- “For the Lord will not forsake his people.”

Hebrews 13: 5 --- “He said, I will never leave thee, not forsake thee.”

Judges 2:1 --- “I will never break my covenant with you.”

Everywhere we go, rather you realize it or not, he is there: He is with you at the grocery store; He is with you at the mall; He is with you in your car, truck or RV; He is with you no matter where you are:

If there be any separation from God and his love, it is because you made a decision to leave by ignoring him or forgot about him: But you must understand, He is in you, (spirit) 24/7:

The song goes, there is an unseen Hand: Well, how many times, were you kept from an accident? How many times you felt with in you, not to take a certain road or pathway?

You see, he is there with you and tries to get your attention so he can help you and keep you out of trouble!

What we need to do is be in constant tune with him in such a way, that we never miss his direction or instructions:

You might ask, How do I do that?

1) Praying in the spirit!

2) Praying in English or whatever language you normally speak:

3) Listen for his voice or a nudging or a feeling in your spirit:

4) Study of his word

Now the above are just a few ways to communicate with God, but no matter, you must set yourself to hear and obey:

I have had times in my life, that I did not listen and found there are always consequences to dis-obedience:

Disobedience is the biggest culprit to receiving the wrong thing or getting lost or in an accident etc.:

Disobedience and not hearing are two major reasons why we end up in trouble: Disobedience to the voice of his Spirit can bring an illness or an accident. Disobedience is actually listening to the God of this world, satan or the devil:

When this stuff happens, we tend to blame God! We want to ask why did you not protect me? Why did you let me do or go that way?

Well, because we were given a free will and were not made robots; it boils down to this question, which is more accurate:

1) Why did I not pay attention to that still small voice inside of me?

2) Why did I not pray before I left to see if it was God’s will for me to go that way or take another root?

3) Why did God not talk to me or why did he let this happen to me?

Let’s choose --- No. 1 Why did I not pay attention to that still small voice?

Again, he is always there and if we listen, we will be well taken care of:

Until next time: REMEMBER: JESUS IS LORD!

For more of my writings go to:

The unseen Hand!

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1 Comment

Bill Lear
Bill Lear
Feb 29, 2020

Thanks for reading

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