There was a gentleman on a Christian show, that God told him to look at the difference between the woodpecker and the grizzly bear.
The woodpecker will beat on a piece of wood for a worm, but a grizzly bear will simply walk down to the river or a stream of water and pull out a fish:
God made us more like the grizzly bear through giving us faith, but to many times we continue to beat our heads against the wall or keep going against the grain of his word and will.
There is no work for the grizzly to get his fish: God don’t want you or me to be like the wood pecker and beat our heads (as to speak) trying to make a living or be able to eat or receive from him:
Faith is the word that God is speaking here: faith, real faith, takes trust in God that he will provide and do what he said:
He wants us to trust him enough that he will supply so much that we first do our jobs with ease; He does not want us to struggle in this life:
He wants us to be in peace (not in pieces) at everything we do and everything we want:
Faith should not be a task, but a relaxed move toward God, by simply putting our trust in him:
Faith is not works, but just trusting him that he will perform his word: What I am saying here, is that living by faith should not be a struggle: (I am not saying for anyone to quit their jobs, that is not what I am talking about)
A woodpecker is more like a person who is in constant frustration, trying to get a meal, or meet their own needs or receive healing:
We sometimes beat ourselves to a pulp as to speak, trying to get the word to work for us:
A faith person should rest and simply apply the word of God by believing in our heart and speaking the word out of our moth:
In Romans 10:17, it says --- So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God: (Get to know the word of God, so much you fully trust it) Do you see anywhere in this scripture that says you need to struggle?
All through the new testament we see or read stories of both types of people: Those who simply obey and do what Jesus said and those who struggle:
Know this, your mouth is the thrashing machine gleaning your harvest: Get your mouth and heart (spirit) in-line or agreement with God’s word: Also, we need to align our feelings to the word of God. We all have feelings in the natural, but line them up with the word:
The grizzly never wanders what he is going to eat, he just goes and gets what he wants in order to fill his/her hunger spot:
God’s word and faith in his word will give you and I the grizzly type of confidence in God and therefore trust that what he said, will come to pass:
The more word that gets inside of you and the more you believe in your heart (spirit) as well as speaking God’s word out of your mouth, will produce whatever you are asking for: (here is a side step, What you are asking for needs to be Gods word.) Don’t try to believe for something that God is against, it will not work. Line up your faith to be in-line with God:
Faith is a constant thing! It cannot be worked correctly by speaking the word every now and then, or in other words, just when you think about it:
Faith is constant and must be in order to get your fish as to speak, out of the water. Getting your fish by faith is using the word to supply your need instead of struggling:
Faith is a knowing that you have that and that you will have what you say:
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