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Writer's pictureBill Lear

The word is working mightily in me


By David Ingles

Verse 1 --- Christ has borne our sicknesses, Removed them far away; He did bear upon Himself all my iniquities, Sin and sickness passed from me to Calvary.

Verse 2 --- He was despised and left of men, The scape goat, a man of pains; The fact is that He bore our sicknesses, Jesus carried each and every pain.

Verse 3 --- By hearing of the word my faith has grown. The seed of healing words is deep within; Its become a fact supernaturally --- And the Word is working mightily with in!

Chorus --- The word is working mightily in me! The word is working mightily in me! No matter what the circumstances, what I feel or see, The word is working mightily in me!

This is a song that you need to make a confession of and speak it every day: This is what the word of God is all about, it tells us who and what we are in Christ. It tells us to put his word in us and you can see throughout the Bible, stories of what happened to people who took the word, believed it and acted on it.

If the word is working in you, then nothing else can take its place. It is when the word stops working in you that leaves an opening for satan to put different thoughts in your mind:

Jesus did not go to the cross just to prove a point, no, he went so that you and I could receive all that he has and did:

Jesus took the stripes, had a crown of thorns pressed into his head, had a spear stuck into his side, let them nail his hands and feet to a cross. He died so we could live a victorious life.

This action was true love and do you realize it, he did not wait until you were born or looked to see if you were good enough, or that you combed your hair just right, no, he did it for you just as you were.

He is still calling people today and saying come as you are, I died and arose for you, all you need to do is accept my invitation:

His love for us was beyond human imagination, one love that none of us would have gone through, but he did and not only that, but arose again to make sure it turned out the way it was supposed to do.

His love is so big, it is hard to imagine and hard to explain, but he did it willingly. The Father God did not have to beat him to go to the cross or scream at him and say, do this or you can’t be my son: No, Jesus obeyed the father, knowing the pain he would have to go through so we could live the good life and be with him when we die:

There are no words in the dictionary that can explain what he felts as the nails were driven into his hands and feet, no words could explain what pain it was to have that sword in his side or that crown of thorns bashed into his head . But Love covered it all!

He did not do this so he would get the victory or get praise reports for what he done, he did it all because he loved us.

He did not do it to make his Father happy or be please with him: He did not do it so his Father would buy him a new red bicycle or a new car, he did it for love.

Do you know, he wants us to love others, even though they may not deserve our love:

Do you know he wants us to love those who talk nasty about us and do us wrong. There were people in his day, before the cross that made fun of him and said nasty words to him and about him. There were people still talking nasty thing to him when he hung on the cross, but yet his death, burial and resurrection was as much for them as it is for us:

In your daily life, if you have people that hurt you or said nasty things about you etc., forgive them, show them love: You do not have to go to the cross for them, all you need to do is point them to the one who did and ask them to say the salvation prayer so they could be forgiven:

Forgiveness is not just forgiving them for half of the wrong, but all: As a boy growing up, I was made fun of, hit on the back of my head with books, walk into a classroom and get made fun of by people who did not know me, but I never retaliated, I took it.

If I was to see these people on the street today, I would talk to them as if nothing happened back then. That is just a small piece of Love that Jesus had.


For more of my teaching, go to:


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Bill Lear
Bill Lear
Aug 21, 2020

Thanks for reading

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