I am talking about dreaming about Jesus: I can say that I think about him a lot, but never have dreamed about him:
This message has been on my mind and in my spirit for quite some time, but never done anything with it:
Most of us have at one time or another, dreamed about our friends, relatives, parents. Spouses, but I would venture to say that very few of us have ever dreamed about our Lord Jesus Christ:
You see — Jesus is a friend, brother, Lord and our King and should be included in our dreams:
Maybe that one reason we don’t is because we don’t think or spend enough time to know him:
I know that before I was married, I used to dream about the girl I loved and dreamed of what life would be with her:
I have dreamed about my parents who were very loving and kind and I still do, even though they have both passed on to heaven, but never have dreamed about my Lord Jesus and yet he has done so much for me:
He saved me on the basis of his love, before I was born and knew him:
He healed my body on the basis of his love before I loved and knew him:
He went to the cross and died for me, long before I knew him: So, why don’t I dream about him, who has done so much for me?
Up until now, I never thought about it: I have told him how much I appreciated what he done, for saving me, healing me, protected me, even when I did stupid stuff:
Why would he love us so much? Because he is love and because he is love he can’t do anything but love: His going to the cross and being shamed and crucified was because of Love:
You might say, how did he know me, when he was nailed to the cross, before I was even born?
Because God the Father was the creator of all good things and he was love himself and because we were in him, before we were born:
God (the Father) so loved the world, that he gave his only Son to die for us and this was before we were even born on this earth:
John 3:16 — For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life:
Do you see through this scripture what I am saying? Long before man was created — God so loved:
His love is something that no one has ever experienced before he gave his only Son to die on a cross:
God wanted fellowship so he created man, so he could show his love:
God’s love for man-kind was so strong, that he was willing to lert his Son Jesus to be tortured and nailed to the cross:
Jesus’ love was so strong that he was willing to carry out his Father’s plan:
I honestly don’t think any of us have ever know the depth of God the Father’s love or what the love Jesus had to carry out his Father’s plan to save man-kind:
You see, my parents loved me so much that they made sure I was born again as well as my brother and sister, and not going to hell:
I as a parent made sure my two Son’s were born again, so they won’t go to hell: My two boys are trining their children to get born again, so they won’t go to hell:
Well, that is God’s love in action: You see, Jesus’ love came from his Father and he learned to love from him. God the Fahter gave, so his Son gave:
Jesus’ love was so strong that he was willing to lay down his life for man-kind:
** I truly believe that if more people would learn about the love the Father had, they would not wait to accept the Son:
Jesus became the sum total of pure love: A love that no one saw before nor ever experienced before Jesus went to the cross:
I believe the reason that people don’t accept Christ as their Saviour is because they have never seen that kind of love in action:
They hear friends, relatives, etc, say — “I love you” but none has given their life as Jesus did on the cross: Now, I am not saying that you must go to the cross for others, but that you need to share to others what Jesus went through, so they can experience Salvation:
If my Father would have asked me to die on a cross for a friend or a brother, I would have said “What are you talking about”. No, I am not going to a cross!
Thank God none of us have to make that decision for that decision has been completed through the shed blood of Jesus Christ:
He Jesus did it all for you, me and all of man-kind who want to be born again:
If any of you are reading this and have not received what Jesus did for you, say these words:
“Heavenly Father, I come to you in the name of your Son Jesus with open arms and accept what your Son did for me: I accept him and now call him my Lord:
If you said those words — You are proudly born again and I say, welcome to the family of God!
For more of my teaching, go to: williamlear.org