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Writer's pictureBill Lear

What gear are you in? The how and when!


The how and when of God’s word, is determined by you! Too many of us think that God is like a car or a truck with an automatic shift transmission, that all you need to do is put it in gear and you will move forward or backwards, but God’s word is more like a standard transmission, you must start out in first gear, then as your speed picks up you shift into a faster gear, then shift into the final gear: Oh, yea, even in God’s way of doing things, there is a reverse!

Yes, there is a reverse in the faith walk which is done when doubt and unbelief set in:

You are in control of your life; you are in control of how fast you grow in God and his promises. You are the one that decides what gear you are going to next:

I hear ministers say, God is in control! Well, I for one believe that if God is in control in everything in life, then my question would be, why isn’t everyone saved? Why isn’t everyone healed, why isn’t everyone going to heaven instead of hell?

No, God has given each of us a choice, heaven, or hell, after that point it is up to us to accelerate and shift gears to get the most out of God’s word:

We are to press on to get God’s best, in other words the higher the gear, the faster you go or the reverse of it is moving backwards (reverse):

We are in control of what happens in our lives! God did his thing by giving Christ to us, so we can make the right choice, Know this, this same subject works in the negative, if you are not born again, you can shift gears in the negative and the faster you go the faster you will end up in hell:

What I am saying is this, you decide where you are going, then as you press on the gas pedal and shift gears, tells you how fast you will reach your destiny:

What destiny is in your pathway of life? Heaven or Hell? Prosperity or Failure? Joy unspeakable and full of Glory, or down and out and completely depressed?

What I am saying to you is --- The how and when the word of God becomes real in your life is determined by you:

His word must be heard in your heart (first gear) then spoken out of your mouth (second gear): Acting on what you hear or read in God’s word will shift you into (third gear) and third gear will accelerate your belief system in God’s word:

God put the transmission of your life in you, when you were created: He gave you a choice of gears to move forward in and also gave you one gear for moving backwards, because he gave you a choice:

Joshua 24: 15 --- Choose this day whom you will serve: Let me ask you the question now! Who is to choose this day, whom you will serve? The main word here is you; it is a choice that you must make:

Again, The how and when is inside of you: Jesus did his part when he died on the cross, now you determine when it will work and produce in your life:

What are you believing for?

1) Decide

2) Choose your gear, the higher the gear, the faster you grow or put it in reverse and back up:

3) Press the accelerator

4) Shift into a higher gear and keep moving forward:

Remove reverse out of your spiritual transmission! Don’t ever back up! Keep moving forward and shift into the highest gear you can get your spiritual transmission to go:

To many of us, myself included, seem to get discouraged because things are not happening fast enough but do not put it in reverse, for then you will have to start over again:

There was a song that was sung that said, Keep the switch of faith turned on!

This is exactly what I am saying, by keeping the switch of faith turned on is constantly moving forward!


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What gear are you in?

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