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Writer's pictureBill Lear

Where are you going?


It would be terrible to be aware of a friend who died and to know they went to hell!

Ephesians 4:8 ESV — Therefore it says, “When he ascended on high he led a host of captives, and he gave gifts to men. “ (In saying , He ascended.” What does it mean but that he had also descended into the lower regions of the earth! He who descended is the one who ascended far above all the heavens, that he might fill all things.)

Psalms 16:10 ESV — For you will not abandon my soul to sheol or let your Holy one see corruption!

Well, as you see the two scriptures above —- talking about Jesus — telling us that he went to hell (that is what the word sheol means) so we would not have to:

Yet, there are and will be others end up in hell: They went to hell because they refused to do the simplest thing and make Jesus Lord of their life:

Jesus is the only way to keep from going too hell: Nomatter who or what tells you anything different — If you don’t or have not made Jesus your Lord and Saviour — You will be in hell the very moment you draw your last breath:

There have been and still are those who

# 1 — Don’t believe Jesus went to hell: If you are one of those — then you don’t believe the word of God:

# 2 — There are those that think that Jesus Christ was a myth, therefore, Jesus going to hell is a myth also:

#3 — There are those who think they can wait until the last moment to make Jesus Lord!

Well — Do you know right now when you are going to die and take your last breath? No — None of us know that, we could lay down in bed as usual, fall off to sleep and never wake up in the natural, but wake up either in heaven or hell:

Do you know when? What time are you going to leave this earth? What time are you going to take your last breath?

Know this — None of us is guaranteed a tomorrow: None of us has a built in stopwatch that says — Oh — Stop what you are doing and make Jesus Lord because you are going to die today at 2:00 PM:

No! — it does not work that way: We must be ready for at anytime could be our last: I am not saying these things to scare you, but lovingly letting you know the truth, that making Jesus our Lord is not a joke or a myth or anything to play with or something someone made up:

No! — It is a real thing: Time on this earth is running out for all of us — no matter what age we are!

No matter what you think or have heard — When you draw your last breath — You are leaving your body and you will either go up or you will go down:

Understand — You are a spirit, you live in a body and when your body dies, you your spirit will either go up or down:

There is no choice after you have drawn your last breath: Do this now — Dear God in heaven — I receive your Son Jesus as my saviour: Jesus, I come to you and ask you to come into my heart , I make a quality decision to make Jesus Lord of my life: I believe in my heart that Jesus died but arose again so that I can choose life with him, therefore I say — that

“Jesus is Lord of my life!”

That’s it — If you prayed that prayer — your in! You are in the family of God!

You are now born again! I would suggest that you find a good bible teaching church that will teach you how to grow and receive all of the benefits of being born again:

Remember: Jesus is Lord!

For more of my teaching go to:

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